Showing posts with label Levels of Reiki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Levels of Reiki. Show all posts

Friday, March 14, 2025

Reiki Classes, Reiki Courses, Reiki Healing and Training Center in Mumbai, Vadodara, Sirohi, India

Reiki Courses and Classes ( Charges / Fees ) 

I live in Mumbai, India. I conduct in-person Reiki Training and Healing and also do Distance Attunements and Healing. I teach Reiki I, II, III,  Master Level IV and Usui Grand Master Reiki Levels V and VI. I do Intuitive Readings, Chakra Clearing and Balancing, Dowsing, Energy Clearing of homes, work-places. I am a Clairvoyant and offer Spiritual Guidance. 
Reiki Course Level 1 :
You will receive one attunement that will attune you to Reiki, an emailed manual and certificate. I can also send you a certificate by postal mail if you wish. The certificate sent by postal mail will have an extra charge to cover the shipping charges***.

For the attunement with emailed manual and certificate, click here

Reiki Course Level 2 :
You will receive one attunement that will attune you to the sacred symbols of Reiki, an emailed manual and certificate. I can also send you a certificate by postal mail if you wish. This will have an extra charge to cover the shipping charges***.

For the attunement with emailed manual and certificate, click here.

Reiki Teacher Course Level 3 :
You will receive one attunement that will attune you to the Master Symbol of energy, you will receive more extra symbols and learn some basic about crystals healing, an emailed manual and certificate. I can also send you a certificate by postal mail if you wish. This will have an extra charge to cover the shipping charges***.

For the attunement with emailed manual and certificate,click here

Reiki Mastership Course Level 4 : 
You will receive one attunement that will attune you to the higher bands of energy and will empower you to attune others to the traditional 1, 2, 3 and 4 levels of Reiki, an emailed manual and certificate. I can also send you a certificate by postal mail if you wish. This will have an extra charge to cover the shipping charges***.

For the attunement with emailed manual and certificate, click here.

Usui Grand Master Reiki Course Levels V and VI :
You will receive 2 attunements back to back, that will attune you to the highest bands of energy and will empower you to attune others to the Grand Master levels of Reiki, an emailed manual and certificate. This is the final degree in Reiki levels, and a person attuned to this level is called a Reiki Grandmaster. A Grandmaster can attune others to any degree in Reiki, including Grandmaster-ship. As with mastership, this degree is also often offered by the teacher and not asked for.

A person studying to be grandmaster will also need to assist his/ her teacher to learn how others are taught different levels, and the number of days for this is not fixed. 

I can also send you a certificate by postal mail if you wish. This will have an extra charge to cover the shipping charges.***

For the attunement with emailed manual and certificate, click here.

Note : ***
I can also send you a certificate by postal mail if you wish. This will have an extra charge to cover the shipping charges.***

Monday, April 4, 2016

Levels of Reiki

Levels of Reiki

In Traditional way there are only 4 levels of Reiki, which are:


This is your first level or degree along the Reiki path. In Reiki Level 1, you sense spiritual energy. The Reiki attunement connects you to the source of healing energy. It gives you/awakens in you the ability to ‘do’ Reiki. You can start to channel Reiki after the attunement to this level of Reiki to help heal others and yourself. In Level 1, you are taught techniques for treatment of self and others. The focus of Level 1 is about learning to become ‘a clear channel’ for Reiki.

Level 1 connects you with the phenomenon that is Reiki. It gives you/awakens in you the ability to ‘do’ Reiki. In Level 1, you are taught techniques for treatment of self and others. Traditionally, in Usui Shiki Ryoho, the focus of Reiki Level 1 is on hands-on therapy at a purely physical level, both for self-treatment and for treating others.

The topics covered in Reiki Level 1 are:
  • Introduction
  • What is Reiki?
  • History of Reiki
  • How does Reiki work?
  • The beneficial effects of Reiki
  • Usui Reiki Principles
  • Reiki Levels or degrees
  • What is a Reiki attunement or initiation?
  • Aura
  • Chakras
  • Balancing the Chakras
  • Using Reiki
  • Treatment of Self and Others
  • Energy Ball
  • Hand positions
  • Giving Reiki treatment to others
  • Energy Exchange 
  • Grounding 
  • Basic distance healing
  • More ways of using your Reiki 
  • Tip and Tricks for the Practitioner's
  • The 21 day cleansing process
  • Disclaimer


This Reiki attunement deepens your connection to the source and strengthens your ability to channel it. In Reiki Level 2, you call and consciously direct spiritual energy. You are introduced to the Reiki symbols and distance healing in this level.
Symbols are used in healing, meditation and for spiritual, mental and emotional development. They are triggers that enable you to connect with spiritual information. Symbols help you connect with and focus and use the Reiki energy. The symbols can be used for healing and protection. 

The Reiki symbols are used in treatments as well as attunements/ initiations. There are three traditional symbols taught in Reiki Level 2. There is one more symbol used in traditional Reiki in the Master Level.

The Reiki Level 2 attunement attunes you to the three symbols you will be working with at this level. The attunement of Level 2 deepens the quality of the flow of Reiki Energy.  With Reiki Level 2 training, the student is introduced to three sacred symbols, and is instructed in their use to:
-enhance the effectiveness of physical level treatment
-carry out treatment at deeper mental and emotional levels
-and perform ‘distant’ or ‘absent’ treatments for people not physically present.

The topics covered in Reiki Level 2 are: 
  • Introduction
  • Reiki Principles (Ethics)
  • About symbols
  • Advanced energy channeling and healing with symbols
  • Instant and safe Kundalini awakening
  • Harmony, Emotional and mental  
  • Death and bereavement
  • Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen/Distance symbol
  • Sei He Ki/Mental-Emotional symbol
  • Cho Ku Rei/Power Symbol
  • Guidelines for the use of symbols
  • Hands-on Reiki treatment using the symbols
  • Distance or Absent healing
  • Distance treatments to many people
  • Protection or shielding
  • Grounding
  • Intentions and affirmations
  • Energy blocks and illness
  • Self treatment
  • Dowsing (Through Pendulum)
  • Short form of the Reiki treatment
  • Tip and Tricks for the Practitioner's
  • The 21 Day Cleansing Process


This is your 3rd Level Degree. In this Degree a person can attuned to the levels 1. This training of the Master/Teacher Level is invaluable to those who want to share Reiki with others by teaching them Reiki Level 1.
Reiki is also, especially at this higher level, an invaluable tool for spiritual growth, having a subtle yet profound effect on one’s personal development.

This level further strengthens and deepens your connection to the Reiki source.  You are taught the fourth sacred symbol - the Master symbol, and are instructed in its uses, including its significance in the Attunement/ Initiation process. Reiki Level 3 empowers you to pass on attunements/ initiations to others. You are also instructed about the basics for teaching.

At this level, a healer is capable of sending healing by a look or by thought alone. The training for this level includes learning to impart attunement to others and several developmental techniques. 

The topics covered in the Reiki Level 3 are:
  • Introduction
  • The Master Symbol
  • Using the Master Symbol 
  • How attunements work
  • Ritual and Attunement
  • Before the Attunement
  • Attunement Steps for Reiki Level 1 
  • Distant or Remote Attunement
  • Energy exchange
  • What is a Reiki Master?
  • Reiki Principles for Professionals (Ethics)
  • How to teach a Reiki for Class 1
  • Programming (able to program an object to channel Reiki actively for a longer period of time)
  • Developing all major chakras
  • The 21 day cleansing process


Level 4 is the Master Level. In this Level you are going to Attuned a student for the Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4. A person attuned to this level is called a Reiki Master. After get attune to this level a student (Master) can teach/attuned all Levels of Traditional Reiki.  This training of the Master/Teacher Level is invaluable to those who want to share Reiki with others by teaching them Reiki Level 2, 3 and 4.
At this level, a healer is capable of sending healing by a look or by thought alone. The training for this level includes learning to impart attunement to others and several developmental techniques. A person attuned to this level is called a Reiki Master. 

The topics covered in the Reiki Level 4 are:
  • Introduction
  • How attunements work
  • Ritual and Attunement
  • Before the Attunement 
  • Attunement Steps for Reiki Level 2
  • Attunement Steps for Reiki Level 3
  • Attunement Steps for Master Level 4
  • Distant or Remote Attunement
  • Energy exchange
  • What is a Reiki Master?
  • Reiki Principles for Professionals (Ethics)
  • How to teach a Reiki for Class 2,3,4
  • The 21 day cleansing process


Master/Teacher continuation and completion of the Usui System of Natural Healing.

Reiki levels V and VI are not given directly from Mikao Usui. At the beginning these levels were without symbols. They were formed by a Qi Gong and Reiki Master from Berlin, Germany. He saw an opportunity to channel Qi Gong energy in the same way as Reiki during meditation – this is the second part of the initiation process.

The symbols were probably channeled by an English medium/channel, they then being put together because it was believed that symbols ought to be added to the initiation process.

Experiences with levels V and VI are very positive, it being powerful energy called Reiki-Laser Energy.

To be initiated into levels V and VI, one should have been a Reiki Master for at least six months.

Both the levels V and VI must be taught together and so both the initiations are given one after the other. They are Yin and Yang.

 The topics covered in the Grandmaster Level 5 are:
  • Introduction
  • The 2 Grand Master Symbols
  • The 4 Wisdom Symbols
  • Using the Master Symbol
  • How attunements work
  • Ritual and Attunements
  • Before the Attunement 
  • Attunement Steps for Reiki Grand Master Level 5
  •  Attunement Steps for Reiki Grand Master Level 6
  • Distant or Remote Attunement
  • Energy exchange
  • What is a Reiki Grand Master?
  • Able to give all Level Attunement to others
  • The 21 day cleansing process
I live in Mumbai, India. I conduct in-person Reiki Training and Healing and also do Distance Attunements and Healing. I teach Reiki I, II, III, Master Level IV and Usui Grand Master Reiki Levels V and VI. I do Intuitive Readings, Chakra Clearing and Balancing, Dowsing, Energy Clearing of homes, work-places. I am a Clairvoyant and offer Spiritual Guidance. If you live in Mumbai or can visit, it would be great!