Showing posts with label Knowledge post. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knowledge post. Show all posts

Friday, March 15, 2024

How To get Rid from Lower Entities from Aura and life

 How To get Rid from Lower Entities from Aura and life

How to banish evil entities and lower energies from your aura and life, it is essential to understand the concept of energy and how it affects our well-being. Negative energies can cling to our aura, which is the energetic field surrounding our physical body, leading to feelings of unease, anxiety, and overall imbalance. These energies can come from various sources, such as negative thoughts, emotions, environments, or even other people.

One effective ritual to banish these negative energies is to perform a cleansing and protection ceremony. This ritual can help remove any unwanted energies from your aura and create a shield of protection around you to prevent further intrusions.

Here is a simple ritual you can follow to banish evil energies from your aura:

1. Set an intention: Begin by setting a clear intention to release any negative energies from your aura and life. Visualize these energies being washed away and replaced with pure, positive energy.

2. Cleansing ritual: Take a cleansing bath with sea salt or essential oils known for their purification properties. As you soak in the water, visualize all negativity being drawn out and washed away.

3. Smudging: Use sage, palo santo, or other cleansing herbs to smudge your aura and space. Light the herb bundle and waft the smoke around your body, focusing on areas where you feel particularly heavy or blocked.

4. Energy clearing meditation: Sit in a quiet place and visualize a bright light surrounding you. Imagine this light filling your aura and pushing out any negative energies. Take deep breaths and focus on releasing any tension or negativity.

5. Protection ritual: Once you have cleansed your aura, create a protective shield around yourself. Envision a bubble of white light surrounding you, acting as a barrier against any negative energies trying to enter your space.

In addition to these rituals, there are several ways you can keep yourself protected from negative energies on a daily basis:

- Practice regular energy cleansing techniques, such as smudging, meditation, or salt baths.

- Surround yourself with positive people and environments that uplift and support your energy.

- Set energetic boundaries and learn to say no to situations or people that drain your energy.

- Wear protective crystals like black tourmaline, obsidian, or amethyst to help shield you from negative influences.

- Trust your intuition and listen to your inner guidance to avoid potentially harmful situations.

By these rituals and practices into your daily routine, you can banish evil and lower energies your aura and life, fostering a sense of balance, harmony, and protection. Remember that your energy is sacred, and it is within your power to cultivate a positive and vibrant aura that attracts only the highest energies into your life.

Post from - Kalpesh Dave 

Life with colours. 










#SacredSpaceClearing #BanishNegativeEnergy 










Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Ritual Spell for Attracting Wealth

Ritual Spell for Attracting Wealth:

You will need:

- Green candle

- Patchouli essential oil (optional)

- Money or abundance symbol (e.g., a rupee or a symbol of your choice)

- A quiet and private space


1. Start by finding a quiet and private space where you can perform this spell without interruptions.

2. Cleanse and purify your space by smudging with sage or using any other cleansing method that suits your beliefs.

3. Take the green candle and anoint it with patchouli essential oil (if available). Visualize money flowing into your life as you do this.

4. Light the candle, and as it burns, focus on the flame and envision yourself surrounded by abundance, financial security, and prosperity.

5. Hold the money or abundance symbol in your hands and infuse it with your intentions for attracting wealth. Visualize your financial goals and desires manifesting.

6. Place the money or abundance symbol next to the candle and let the candle burn down completely.

7. Money spell mantra you can use for attracting wealth and abundance:

"Money flows freely and abundantly into my life,

Wealth and prosperity are forever by my side.

With an open heart and a focused mind,

I attract financial blessings of every kind.

Opportunities come to me effortlessly,

Success and abundance are drawn to me eagerly.

I am worthy of all the riches life has to offer,

My bank accounts grow fuller and stronger.

I release any fears or doubts that hold me back,

I embrace the abundance that the universe does stack.

Manifesting money is my divine right,

I am a magnet for wealth, day and night.

Grateful for the blessings that already exist,

I attract even greater abundance, I persist.

With this mantra, I welcome abundance to flow,

From this moment forward, my wealth does grow."

Repeat this mantra 3 times with conviction and belief, either silently or aloud, while visualising yourself surrounded by abundance and prosperity. Use it as a tool to reaffirm your intentions and to align your energy with attracting money into your life.

8. Thank the universe, any higher power you believe in, or your own inner strength for the abundance that will flow into your life.

Timing and Color:

For the best time to perform this spell, consider doing it during the waxing phase of the moon (from the new moon to the full moon). This is a time associated with growth, manifestation, and abundance. The specific direction for this spell is not crucial, but you may consider facing east or north during the ritual, as these directions symbolize prosperity and stability in some belief systems.

Regarding color, green is traditionally associated with money, abundance, and prosperity. Using a green candle or incorporating green elements into your spell, such as green crystals or green decorations, can enhance the visual representation of your intentions.

#MoneySpellHe #WealthMagic #AbundanceRitual #ProsperitySpells #FinancialAbundance #ManifestingWealth #MoneyMagic #AttractingProsperity #AffirmationsForWealth #AbundanceMeditation #FinancialFreedom #MoneyManifestation #ProsperityCandle #MoneySpellwork #AffirmingAbundance #MoneyAttraction  #RichesManifesting #WealthAffirmations #FinancialEmpowerment #ProsperityMindset 

Saturday, February 10, 2024

As per vastu where you should place your medical box kit


Where you should place your medical kit at home and where you should avoid keeping medicine box in house. 

According to Vastu Shastra, it is recommended to place the medicine box in the northeast or northwest direction of the house. These directions are considered auspicious for storing medicines in Vastu. 

Here are some guidelines to follow when placing the medicine box:

1. Keep the medicine box clean and organized.

2. Avoid placing the medicine box in the bedroom. It is believed that having medicines in the bedroom can bring negative energy and disturb the peace and harmony of the space.

3. Avoid placing the medicine box in the kitchen. The heat and humidity in the kitchen can affect the quality and potency of the medicines.

4. Ensure that the medicine box is not placed on the floor. It is advised to keep it on a shelf or a cabinet.

Remember, Vastu Shastra is based on ancient beliefs and practices. While it may provide some guidance, it is always essential to prioritize common sense and consult medical professionals for your specific healthcare needs.

@by life with colours 

#medicine #medicinebox #medicalkit #vastuformedicine #vastu #medicinevastu #homeremedies

Monday, August 7, 2023

The meanings and some benefits associated with nine plants, also known as Navagraha


The meanings and some benefits associated with nine plants, also known as Navagraha, that are commonly used in Indian astrology and are believed to represent the nine celestial bodies:

1. Sun Plant (Surya): The name Surya means "Sun" in Sanskrit. Sun plants, such as marigold or sunflower, are associated with power, energy, and vitality. They are said to bring positivity, success, and good health.

2. Moon Plant (Chandra): Chandra, meaning "Moon," is associated with emotions, intuition, and healing. Plants like jasmine or aloe vera are believed to bring calmness, peace, and emotional balance to one's life.

3. Mars Plant (Mangala): Mangala, meaning "Mars," represents strength, courage, and assertiveness. Plants like red roses or red sandalwood are believed to promote passion, determination, and protection.

4. Mercury Plant (Budha): Budha, meaning "Mercury," is associated with intelligence, communication, and wit. Plants like green herbs or mint symbolize intelligence, mental agility, and flexibility.

5. Jupiter Plant (Brihaspati): Brihaspati, meaning "Jupiter," represents wisdom, knowledge, and expansion. Plants like banyan trees or banana plants are believed to promote growth, prosperity, and spiritual development.

6. Venus Plant (Shukra): Shukra, meaning "Venus," represents love, beauty, and harmony. Plants like roses or lilies symbolize romance, attractiveness, and a sense of abundance.

7. Saturn Plant (Shani): Shani, meaning "Saturn," represents discipline, lessons, and transformation. Plants like blueberries or bamboo are believed to bring patience, endurance, and stability during challenging times.

8. Rahu Plant (Dragons Head): Rahu is considered an imaginary planet in Vedic astrology. It represents illusion, desires, and worldly attachments. Plants like lotus or snake plant are associated with spiritual growth, clarity, and protection from negative influences.

9. Ketu Plant (Dragons Tail): Ketu, like Rahu, is considered an imaginary planet representing spiritual enlightenment and liberation. Plants like sacred basil or neem are believed to bring spiritual awareness, protection, and purification.

Remember, these interpretations are based on ancient beliefs and cultural significance. While plants can add beauty and a sense of well-being to our surroundings, their benefits go beyond symbolic meanings. #plants #navgraha #9planets #graha #9planets #aurvediplants

Thursday, July 13, 2023

5 indoor plants known for their ability to promote positive energy and balance the Vastu energy in a home:

Here are 5 indoor plants known for their ability to promote positive energy and balance the Vastu energy in a home:
Written by Kalpesh Dave

1. Money Plant (Epipremnum aureum): The Money Plant is believed to bring prosperity and good luck to a household. Its heart-shaped green leaves symbolize wealth and abundance. Placing this plant in the southeast corner of a home is said to attract financial gains and stimulate positive energy flow.

2. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum): Known for its air-purifying qualities, the Peace Lily also symbolizes tranquility and harmony. This plant's white flowers and glossy green leaves bring a sense of peace and serenity to any space. It is recommended to place a Peace Lily near the entrance of a home to cleanse the energy and welcome positivity.

3. Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana): Lucky Bamboo is a popular indoor plant, particularly in Feng Shui and Vastu practices. It is said to bring luck, prosperity, and positive chi energy into a home. The number of bamboo stalks also holds significance, with three being associated with happiness, five with good health, and six or more with wealth and abundance.

4. Snake Plant (Sansevieria): The Snake Plant is renowned for its ability to purify the air by removing toxins. In Vastu Shastra, it is believed to absorb negative energy and promote positivity in a home. This plant boasts strong, sword-shaped leaves that are both visually appealing and effective at balancing the energy in a space.

5. Holy Basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum): Holy Basil, also known as Tulsi, is considered sacred in many cultures and is believed to have numerous healing properties. It is known to purify the air and create a positive environment. Placing a Holy Basil plant near a window or in the northeast corner of a home is said to promote spiritual well-being and harmonize the energy flow.

Remember, while these plants are believed to have positive effects on energy and Vastu, it's essential to still take care of them properly by providing adequate light, water, and nutrients to ensure their well-being and longevity.

The 10 most spiritual places in India with the strongest energy field


The 10 most spiritual places in India with the strongest energy field

1. Varanasi: Known as the spiritual capital of India, Varanasi is considered one of the holiest cities. It is believed that bathing in the sacred Ganges River washes away sins.

2. Rishikesh: Situated in the foothills of the Himalayas, Rishikesh is a hub for spiritual seekers. It is renowned for its yoga and meditation centers.

3. Amritsar: The city is home to the famous Golden Temple, the holiest Sikh shrine. The Golden Temple provides a serene and spiritual experience for devotees.

4. Bodh Gaya: This is the place where Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree. The Mahabodhi Temple is a major pilgrimage site for Buddhists.

5. Tiruvannamalai: Located in Tamil Nadu, Tiruvannamalai is home to the sacred Mount Arunachala, which is believed to be a manifestation of Lord Shiva.

6. Dharamshala: Dharamshala is the residence of the Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama. It is a place of tranquility and Tibetan Buddhism.

7. Pushkar: Known for its sacred lake, Pushkar is a famous pilgrimage site for Hindus. It hosts the largest camel fair in India and is considered a place of spiritual cleansing.

8. Ajmer: Ajmer is home to the revered Sufi Saint Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti's shrine. Every year, millions of devotees visit the Dargah Sharif to seek blessings.

9. Hampi: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Hampi is renowned for its ancient temples and ruins. It is believed to be the birthplace of Lord Hanuman.

10. Kedarnath: Situated in the Garhwal Himalayas, Kedarnath is one of the twelve Jyotirlingas (holiest shrines of Lord Shiva). The journey to Kedarnath is considered spiritually significant.

Please note that these are just a few of the many sacred places in India. Each place has its own unique energy and spiritual significance.