
Reiki classes Course Fee and Services

Reiki Classes, Reiki Courses Fee and Services

Level 1
 Level 2
Teacher  Level 3
Master Level 4
 In this session we will cover the Basic about Reiki.

-  The Level 1 Attunement.

-  Introduction
-  The Traditional
-  History of Reiki
-  My Linage

-  What is Reiki Shiki Ryoho?
-  What is Reiki?
-  Who can learn Reiki?
-  How Does Reiki Work?
-  What does Reiki
-  Energy feel Like?
-  Benefit of Reiki
-  Advantages of Reiki
-  Reiki Brings About in You
-  Usui Reiki Principles
-  What is Reiki Attunement?
-  Reiki Levels and Degrees
-  The 21 Day Cleansing Process
-  Preparing Hands for Energy Transfer through Reiki
-  How to Give Treatment (Self / Others)?
-  How to Give Affirmation (Self / Others)?
-  Basic Hand Position for Self and Others Treatment
-  Before the Treatment
-  Self-Treatments
-  Posture for Self Treatment
-  Preparing to Give Reiki Treatment to Others
-  Scanning
-  Posture for Giving Treatment to Others
-  Treating Plants and Animals
-  Chakras
-  Details about the chakras
-  What is Chakra?
-  How Chakra Works?
-  What is Crown Chakra?
-  How Human is formed?
-  Chakra Aligning/Balancing
-  Details about the planetary system in our body along with Chakra
-  What is Aura?
-  Healing the Aura
-  Aura Healing and Aura Scanning
-  How to Clean Aura and Swap Aura?
-  Healing to Self and Others
-  Protection and Grounding
-  Energy Exchange
-  Reiki Meditation
-  How to do Meditation?
-  Japanese Reiki Techniques
-  Reiki Ethics
-  Frequently Ask Question? (FAQ)
-  Why Kundalini Awakening is Safe in Reiki?
-  Instant and Safe Kundalini Awakening
-  Kundalini and Reiki
-  Specialties of Reiki
-  Healing Guide for Treatment
-  Disclaimer
 In this level you get to use the three symbols which is use to send the reiki to the Distance level and also you can send the reiki to the mental level with a great power.

- The Level 2 Attunement.
- Introduction

-My Linage
- Usui Reiki Principles
- What is Reiki

-What Happens After a Level II Attunement?
- What are The Reiki Symbols
- Reiki Symbols in Level II
- Cho Ku Rei
- About Cho Ku Rei:
- Cho Ku Rei and Flowers
- Sei He Ki
- About Sei He Ki
- Using Sei He Ki when giving Reiki treatments
- Some more uses for the Mental/Emotional symbol
- Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
- About Distance Usage
- Drawing Instructions   - Distant/Absentee Healing
- The Ethics of Distant Healing
- Creative Distant Healing
- Energy Blocks and Disease
- Distant Healing Books
- Distant Healing Boxes (Reiki Box)
- How to give Reiki to your Bed
- How to Use Reiki to Fall Asleep?
- Photo Technique
- Teddy Bear / Doll Method/ Pillow
- Left Thumb or Finger Method
- Visualization Technique
- Beaming Technique
- Sending Reiki to a List of Recipients
- Group Distance Healing
- Reiki Symbol Meditation
- Grounding with Reiki
- Manifesting Goals
- Room Cleansing
- Using the Power Symbol as a Filter
- Self Confidence
- Reiki at Work / Cleanse Your Office
- Help with Meetings or Interviews
Anything Else
- Creating Ki / chi Balls
- Psychic Surgery- Etheric recovery
- Past Life Healing
- The 21 Day Cleansing Process
- How to Give Treatment (Self / Others)?
- How to Give Affirmation (Self / Others)?
- Preparing to Give Reiki Treatment to Others
- Scanning

- Chakras
- Chakra Aligning/Balancing
Chakra Spin Patterns  
- What is Dowsing?
- What is Pendulum Dowsing?
- How to Selecting or making a Pendulum?
- Dowsing Charts for your practices
- What is Aura?
- General Meaning of Aura Colors
- Healing the Aura
- Aura Healing and Aura Scanning
- How to Clean Aura and Swap Aura?
- Healing to Self and Others
- Protection and Grounding
- Energy Exchange
- Reiki Meditation
- White Light Meditation
- Chakra Balancing Meditation (Rose Meditation)
- Grounding and Centering Meditation
- Ground Preparation
- Grounding
- Exploration – (House Purifying)
- Your Utopia - (Imaginary Place Considered to be Perfect or ideal) and Sacred Space.
- Aura Mediation
- WHITE denotes purity and higher realms of perception.
- Treating Specific Aliments
- Japanese Reiki - Techniques
- Reiki Ethics

- Why Kundalini Awakening is Safe in Reiki?
- Instant and Safe Kundalini Awakening
- Kundalini and Reiki
- Specialties of Reiki
- Conclusion 
 In this level your energy level will be more powerful then the level 2. In this level you will get the 2 Master symbols.

- The Level 3 Attunement.
- Introduction
- Introduction
- About Reiki Symbols in Level III
- Dai Ko Myo (Master Symbol)
- Raku (Rah Koo)
- Psychic Surgery- Etheric recovery
- Solutions to Improve Your Reiki Practice
-Keeping Reiki Strong
- Not Taking on the Client's Symptoms
- How to lock the Energy or to Protect from Psychic Attack
- Why we need to lock our energy and protect us from psychic attack from

- Different Methods of Protecting from Psychic Attack and Energy
- Some other simple and basic technique for protection and locking
- Other Tips for using the Reiki energy
- Whole Body Protection with Reiki
- Charge Electrical Appliances with Reiki
- Intention  
- What appliances to charge with Reiki?
- How to Energize Your Food with Reiki
- Treating Future Situations with Reiki
- Crystals
- About Crystals
- What is Crystal
- Types of Crystals
- How to Choose a Crystal
- Cleansing your Crystals
- When I should cleanse my Crystals?
- How to Awakening the Crystals
- Activating / Programing your crystals
- Storing of your crystals
- Uses Crystal
- Healing Arrangements with crystals
- Crystal Arrangement for Balancing of Energy
- Healing Arrangements for connecting with the Universal Energy
- Grounding Arrangements with Crystals
- Spot / Part / Area / Chakra Treatment with Crystal
- Balancing and Healing of Seven (7) Chakra in various ways
- Meditation with Crystals Grids
- For Grounding, Healing and Relaxing with Crystal Meditation
- How to Introduce Yourself to Your New Crystals
- Meditating With Crystals / Stone Meditation
- Additional Reiki Symbols
- Attitude of Gratitude
- How to Give Affirmation (Self / Others)?
- Seven Chakras Reiki Symbol
- Protection and Grounding
- The 21 Day Cleansing Process
- Energy Exchange
- Disclaimer
 In this Level your energy level get higher and the kundalini Shakti get reach till the Third Eye. Your Intuition Level gets high and thus your third get active.

- The Level 4 Attunement.
- Introduction
- The 2 Traditional Master
- Additional reiki symbols
- You can Attune & Teach
  others for Level 1, Level 2 and
  Level 3

- Attunement Process Steps for Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 - Ritual Attunement
- Before Attunement
- After Attunement
- Distance & Remote
- Energy Exchange
- What is a Reiki Master?
- Reiki Ethics for Master
- How to conduct a Reiki Classes
- Disclaimer
- Manual
- Reiki Certificate

-Student need to bring PEN Drive
- Lunch
- Manual
- Reiki Certificate
Student need to bring PEN Drive
- Lunch
- Manual
- Reiki Certificate
Student need to bring PEN Drive
- Lunch
- Manual
- Reiki Certificate
Student need to bring PEN Drive
- Lunch

Time: 5-6 hrs
11.00 am to 5.00 pm
Day: 1 day

Time: 6-7 hrs
11.00 am to 5.00 pm
Day: 1 day 
Time: 4-5 hrs
11.00 am to 4.00pm
Day: 1 day
Time: 4-5 hrs

11.00 am to 4.00 pm
Day: 1 days  
  Course Fee:-
Course Fee:- 
Course Fee:- 
Course Fee:-
 Please Call

For the Best Deals and Offers please call

Usui Grand Master Level 5 and 6
You will receive 2 attunements back to back that will attune you to the higher bands of energy. 

Reiki levels V and VI are not given directly from Mikao Usui. At the beginning these levels were without symbols. They were formed by a Qi Gong and Reiki Master from Berlin, Germany. He saw an opportunity to channel Qi Gong energy in the same way as Reiki during meditation – this is the second part of the initiation process.

Experiences with levels V and VI are very positive, it being powerful energy called Reiki Laser Energy.

Both the levels V and VI must be taught together and so both the initiations are given one after the other. They are Yin and Yang. 
-   Manual 
-   Reiki Certificate, Lineage Certificate 
- Student need to bring PEN Drive  
Time: 4-5 Hours
11.00 am to 4.00 pm
1 day
Course Fee:-  Please Call

Learning any levels of Reiki is most wonderful experience of any person in their life. As the process of attunement can easily change the person’s life completely and this will give more effect when that student or person do the regular self-healing process. By doing the self-healing one is removing all the blockages and obstacles from there life and going more towards the peaceful life and easily fulfill all the dreams in their life.

People usually experience these healing / learning reiki as very relaxing, peaceful and nurturing. You may feel heat, tingling, coldness or heaviness and visual experiences during your Physical Attunement / Distant Attunement / Healing Session. This is normal if you feel nothing, or you fell asleep, that does not mean that the treatment was unsuccessful. The healing energy works on issues other than physical, namely the emotional, mental or spiritual bodies as directed by your soul.
Reiki energy works to produce the highest results for the highest good for all involved, and will never override a person's free will, nor cause harm.

I live in Mumbai and Vadodara Gujarat, India. I conduct classes in group of 2 or max 3 persons not more then 3 person in one batch / group.

For any Query or Registration for Reiki Classes call me  +91 9819279752.

E-Mail -


  1. Hello Sureshji,

    If you want the Reiki Book and Symbol than you have to pay the Fees for the book and symbols. if yes than, i send you the further details on your email id. (you have to give me the email id)

  2. Greetings,
    I have a few questions. What does one feel when he/she is being attuned to Reiki level 1?
    I already feel some of my chakras. I can feel energy, white light, prana energy,etc. Does this mean that I am already attuned? I meditate and do chakra cleaning and charging meditations. Currently trying astral projection.
    What difference do I receive if I get attuned to level 1?

    Thank you
    Best Regards

    1. BY learning Reiki some people feel Reiki as warm; some people feel it as cool. Some people will feel a tingle, and some people will feel nothing at all. Regardless of the actual sensation, Reiki treatments are relaxing, calming, and soothing.

      Here are the main Sensations
      • Tingling in the palms of your hand, or fingers, or both.
      • Heat in the palms of your hands, or fingers, or both.
      • Tingling that becomes hot, if there is a lot of energy flowing.
      • Heat that starts to tingle if there is a lot of energy flowing.
      Less Common Sensations
      • Coolness, though this can have different meanings for different people.
      • Magnetic attraction or repulsion.
      • Some sort of vibration or pulsing, or a ‘breeze’ blowing under your hand.
      • An experience of ‘colour’ of some sort, in your hands, or in your head, as the energy flows.
      • Something that it difficult to explain, but you know what it is when it is happening!
      • Not very much at all.

      Does this mean that I am already attuned? No it doesn’t mean that you are attuned but your prana flow (energy flow) is good enough to feel the chakra energy and the senses related to chakra. This thing we can’t say that your are attuned because as per as dong lot of meditation and concentration the human can open the base root and sacral chakra open easily so they feel all the above senses but if you stop doing meditation and chakra cleaning then all this energy will stop getting feel.

      For the astral projection
      But if you take attunement or get attune by anyone in that your Saraswati knot will get open by the master energy which is compulsory need in a astral projection or in the raising the Kundalini.

      Without having attuned raising the energy level in the body with the half knowledge of guidance can make you paralysis effect in the body and this happens when your energy level reach to the throat chakra where the Saraswati knot is situated.
      Commonly a human can open the Brahma knot easily by doing meditation and yoga and exercises and it is also naturally open after marriage having sexual relationship with partner. So with that helps in the growth of mind power, success and knowledge. So that’s why it is known as “bhagiyauday” becoz this Brahma is situated at the navel point.

      So get attuned by some good knowledgeable reiki master or any master who is having knowledge about the kundalini and astral travel.

      Please dont forcefully try to awake or increase lot of energy in you because as you generate lot of energy but natural kundalini will going to raised and this can create a negative side effect in your personal and professional life.

  3. Hi sir
    I want to learn reiki. Do you guys teach reiki?. If yes.
    Then please tell me the fee of the course.

    Vatsalya Gargrish

    1. yes teach the Reiki. here is the details about the courses and fees.. ( we teach reiki in Mumbai and Vadodara

  4. yes we teach Reiki in Mumbai... and in Vadodara

  5. Sir i want to learn reiki. When i will come

    1. this we teach on a individual basics. you need to take an appointment. as my classes are held on every day Monday to Sunday. timings are 11am to 5pm (you will also provide the lunch and refreshment from my-side). you can contact me for learning my details are available on contact us page (

  6. Name
    Namstey kalpeshji
    Want to learn all levels of reiki. .
    Can someone learn reiki back to back of each level?or one have to practice first,each level and should go for further level?
    How long it will take to learn all the levels of reiki?
    And how many types of reiki are there?

    1. As I am only teaching Traditional Reiki which is found by Dr. Mikao Usai.
      yes you can learn all the reiki levels, as there are two methods of learning traditional reiki.
      1) u learn Reiki level 1 and then do practice till 21 days and get the result after that u can go for reiki level 2 this after gap of 21-22 days between each levels u learn reiki all levels. in this method it will take approx 5-6 months for learning traditional reiki.
      2) u learn reiki level 1 and then u must keep at least 24 hours gap maximum 48 hours of gap and then go for reiki level 2 . in this method you can learn the reiki in 7 days...
      but the method no. 1 is correct method of learning....

  7. do you have time available in July to teach? can i learn reiki courses in 7 days? what would be recommended? go slow and learn in 5-6months or i can learn in 7 days?

    1. Yes I have time sechdule in July for available dates for learning . But for doing in 7 days or 5-6 months that is upto you. As all individuals energy is different. If u very fairly ask me the you sould go steps by step and finished in 5-6 months. But if u don't have time to wait for so long then go for 7 days. For details for bookings appointments you can contact me on this link

  8. Namaste ,
    I would like to learn reiki level3 . I have completed level 1 , 2 .I reside in Mumbai . I want to know when and where you would conduct classes in Mumbai in august

    1. Yes u can go for reiki level 3 and fees is rs. 5,000 and yes in August i can provide u the dates for learning for appointment u can call me via contact us

  9. Hello, I had learned Reiki Level 1 & 2 long back. I would like to know whether I need to redo it again or directly I can go for Level 3. I have not practised for a long time. Please advise...Contact no. 9967049638

    1. hello dear, you dont need to redo again you can directly come for the next level reiki level 3. if you are not doing any practice then u can even start doing practice now also not a issue. once you finish the 21 days self healing practice and feels really good and feel that now u dont need to go further then also it is very perfectly fine... and after doing practice if you feel no i want to update my database or knowledge in reiki then you are most welcome for the next reiki level 3. you can also call me on 09819279752

  10. Sudevan

    Is there any age limit to the courses?

    1. no there is no age limits in reiki to learn. any one can reiki learn from child to old age people any one..

  11. Hi.. may I know the area (location on Mumbai) where you conduct the classes.

    1. location in mumbai is borivali east here is the link of contact us:

  12. hello, i would like to know if the 21 days cleansing process has to be done between the level 1 and 2?

    1. yes... it is need to complete the process of 21 days cleaning process...

  13. Hi, I would like to know if the 21 days cleansing process has to be done between the level 1 and 2?

    1. yes you have to do the cleansing of 21 days between your each levels in reiki

  14. I have done Level 1.2 and 3 .can I do Master Level 4?

    1. yes u can do the reiki level 4... but when u come for reiki level 4 for your safety and better knowledge you need to bring all the certificates from Reiki Level 3...

  15. I have done Level 1.2 and 3 .can I do Master Level 4?

    1. yes u can do the reiki level 4... but when u come for reiki level 4 for your safety and better knowledge you need to bring all the certificates from Reiki Level 1 to Reiki Level 3...

  16. Does reiki helps improve vitamin and other factors in the body. I have many questions in my mind. And I'm suffering also. Please help

    1. reiki helps in curing the physical level and mental level... and also try to cure the physical issues... for vitamin and such factors u need to eat proper diet and food..

  17. I have many health related issues. Can you please contact me through my email I'd?

    1. give me your email i will reply you. as possible way.... as I am just a Teacher and teaching the Reiki... and i am not a doctor or astrologer....

  18. Hello sir,I want to learn Reiki up to grand Master level.How much course fees.Please provide all.My email id

    1. Visit to my new website and find all the details and rate list with audio details.

  19. hi Sir ,
    im from thane .i have one month time.can u take classes in thanr

  20. Can reiki remove all financial, mental, physical, problems and is it one end solution for problems, blockages and negativity and can it cure my stammer problem.

  21. Can reiki remove all financial, mental, physical, problems and is reiki one end solution for all problems, blockages and negativity and can it cure my stammering problem.

    1. Yes it will remove but for this u need lot of practice of self healing. As day by day when u increases the self healing practice your positive power and energy get increase with help of that u can cure all your diseases and problems. For self healing I can visit to my YouTube channel

  22. Sir mujhe reiki courses karna me sir

    1. I want to know the duration of level 1 course ?

  23. What all should be asked before joining a class? I want to learn from a genuine teacher who is focused on practising rather than earning.

    1. Before joining any class for reiki meet the master personally and talk with master, when u starts talking you will get some inner senses for master as that is good for u or not as u can say six senses which all ladies have from born and u can follow that according and go further.

      As I am also teaching but for earning as this is my passion and before my motive to guide the people on their right path to get solved own all your life issue and settle with all truth and believe.

  24. Hello sir..
    Is it possible to get attunement and learn REIKI through online..??
    Please guide me sir..

  25. Hello sir.
    Is it possible to get attunement and learn REIKI through online program..
    I have to learn REIKI..
    Please guide me sir

  26. Yes u can learn the reiki online for that visit to my video the procedure how I can take and learn
    For more u can also call me on 09819279752
    Thank you
    Kalpesh Dave

  27. Hi, Sir
    I'd like to start with the first level of Reiki.
    Please guide me on the address details, etc
