
Distance Reiki Healing

Reiki distance or remote or absentee healing is when a Reiki practitioner sends Reiki energy towards an person, being, group, event, or situation in the past, present or future.

There are many ways to do distant healing. Just as in direct treatment, in distant treatment too Reiki flows to where it is needed. Distance does not interfere in the sending or receiving of Reiki energy nor does it take any more effort to send it across the seas to other parts of the world. The only requirement for distance treatments is permission to have this energy flow to you and have a sincere willingness to receive and benefit from this energy.

People usually experience these healings as very relaxing, peaceful and nurturing. You may feel heat, tingling, coldness and/or have visual experiences during your distant healing session. This is normal. If you feel nothing, or you fell asleep, that does not mean the treatment was unsuccessful. The healing energy works on issues other than physical, namely the emotional, mental or spiritual bodies as directed by your soul.

Reiki energy works to produce the highest results for the highest good for all involved, and will never override a person's free will, nor cause harm.

I live in Mumbai, India. I conduct in-person Reiki Training and healing and also do Distance Attunements and Healing. I teach Reiki I, II, III, Master Level IV and Usui Grand Master Reiki Levels V. I do Intuitive Readings, Chakra Clearing & Balancing, Dowsing, Energy Clearing of homes, work-places. I am a Clairvoyant and offer Spiritual Guidance. You can phone or email me.