
About Me


A relationship is "maintained" when there is understanding and adjustment but it becomes "successful" only when these are bilateral and also trust is the root of all.NOTHING IS MINE IN WORLD AND NEVER TRUST EASILY ON ANYONE...

Welcome !
My name is Kalpesh Dave.

I am a spiritualist, intuitive, energy healer and Reiki Master / Teacher. In addition to Reiki, I also offer Spiritual Guidance. I do Intuitive Readings and Energy Clearing of homes, work-places, Chakra Clearing & Balancing and pendulum dowsing.

Some Intuitive just know very early on what they are called to do in this lifetime and then some of us just take our time getting there.

I took my time. But I did get there. You must always strive to get to where you are meant to be. Regardless of the life situation you find yourself in, it is possible for you to heal or to improve yourself and your life in a most definite way. There may be blockages in your path but never lose hope. Find your life purpose and live it!

I have completed the Usui Grandmaster Reiki V and VI course and have done lots of intuitive reading. Of the Intuitive readings, I have observed that the revelation of the areas that need to be addressed is an important step in the path of healing. I enjoy working with the Energy of each of my services   knowing them as unique, powerful and complimentary systems. I especially love bringing my sensitivity, compassion and humor into my work with others.
"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier"… Mother Teresa.
We each have special talents or qualities of value that we may not be fully expressing or perhaps not expressing at all. We were born on this planet for a purpose and that purpose necessitates the discovery and knowledge of who we are and to take possession of this precious part of ourselves and express it to the world. When I started out on my Path, I was looking for guidance and didn’t know where to look for it. When I found Reiki, or rather, when Reiki found me, I knew instinctively that Reiki would become my Light to see the Universe with - an Energy that I can share with those who seek it. Now as a teacher I have students who are seeking out a similar path to the one I walked upon not so long ago!

My deepest wish is helping, enlightening and guiding people to tap into the spiritual energy that surrounds us all. I can help you find strength and loving support as you search for answers to your life’s challenges. Whether you're seeking answers, verification, or stepping stones to personal and spiritual growth - Reiki – A life Force Energy offers Healing and Guidance with love and compassion.
I thank God, Reiki, the Grand Masters – Usui sensei, Hayashi sensei, Takata sensei, my wife – for his love and support, my family, for making clear to me my goal in life, supporting and encouraging me in all things spiritual and all life experiences without which I perhaps would have taken longer to learn all that I have.
Questions? Please drop me an email. It would be a pleasure to answer any questions you may have.
You can email or phone me if you’d be interested in making an appointment for healing work/attunements or if you would like more information regarding anything on this website.

Web Site :-  

Everything Under 1 Roof
Everything Under 1 Roof

Reiki - Meditation
Reiki - A Life Force Energy

Kundalini Meditation
Kundalini Meditation

Gemstones and Crystals
Gemstones And Crystals

Dave Infotech
NexGen Technology

I live in Mumbai, India. I conduct in-person Reiki Training and Healing and also do Distance Attunements and Healing. I teach Reiki I, II, III,  Master Level IV and Usui Grand Master Reiki Levels V and VI. I do Intuitive Readings, Chakra Clearing and Balancing, Dowsing, Energy Clearing of homes, work-places. I am a Clairvoyant and offer Spiritual Guidance.
See the list for all of my offerings.
   There are many kinds of creative activities in me which has been mention below
I Do all this Activities and Business which are mentioned below :-
Do Consultancy and Conduct Classes for :-
Consultancy and Classes :-
Vastu and Feng-Shu
Crystals and Gems
Mind Power and Some Secrets Tricks and Tips etc..
Do all kinds of Yagnas (Havans), Nav-GhraShanti and Vastu Pujan :-
Ganesh Pujan Rudra Abhishek
Laghu-Ruddri Sapta-Sati Patha Ghra-Shanti (All Planets Shanti Dosh Nivaran) Angarak Dosh Shanti Vish-yog Shanti Vishnu-Laxmi Pujan
Ghrahan Dosh Shanti
Kalsarp Dosh Nivaran and Pujan Kumbha Vivaha Arga Vivaha Kemdhrum Dosh Shanti Satya-Narayan Katha Do all Kinds of Kathas and Pathas. Do all Kinds of Nav-Ghra-Shanti and Jaap Do all Kinds of Yog Shanti etc….
Deal in all types of Spritual - Healing Products and Gift Articles :-
Gemstones (Precious and Semi – Precious)
Parad Item (Mercury Elements Items)
Acupressure Products
Magnet Products
Semi-Precious Stones Jewelry
Note :- We have all Products Like (Mala, Bracelet, Pendent, Ball, Wands, Tumble Tree, Tumbles Stones, Rough Stone, Clusters, Pyramids, Nav-Ghra Pendent and Ring, Shree Yantra, Turtel in Different Stone.)
God Idols in Panch Dhatu, Eight Dhatu, Silver Plated and Gold Plated and many more)