Tuesday, February 11, 2025

How to heal Chakras for Different Purposes

How to heal chakras for different purpose


For Job and career 

Need to heal chakras
1.) Root - if fear is their and to bring stability.
2.) Solar - for career skill development and to clear the path to gain success
3.) Throat - to bring great communication skill power with customer and in office
4.) Third eye - to bring focus, stable mind and belief on us.

For Business

Need to heal chakras
1.) Root - to remove fear and to gain stability
2.) Solar - for skill development and to clear the path with growth of skill understanding
3.) Heart - to get emotionally balance so get you won't think from heart and get fool.
4.) Throat - for improving communication skill with customers
3.) Third eye - to bring focus, stable mind and belief on us.

For education

Need to heal chakras
1.) Root - to remove fear and to gain stability
2.) Solar - for skill development and to boost frequency in studies need skills
3.) Heart - to get stable with emotion free
4.) Throat - for improving knowledge to understand (hear and to speak well in class)
3.) Third eye - to bring focus, stable mind and belief on us.

For Self Love/self belief 

Need to heal chakras
1.) Root - to remove fear and to gain stability
3.) Heart - to get stable with emotion free and to heal with pink light to spread love for self (in whole aura and body feel pink light)
4.) Throat - to express your feeling
3.) Third eye - to belief on us and to love us.

For Financial stability (income flow)

Need to heal chakras
1.) Root - to remove fear / blockage and to gain stability 2.) Solar - for development of skill to earn money and to increase the vibrational level to spread and create financial flow.
3.) Heart - to get emotionally balance so get you won't think from heart and get fool. And you love your job or field work.
4.) Throat - for improving communication skill with customers.
3.) Third eye - to bring focus, stable mind and boost your belief.

For releasing the fear and heavy / low negative vibration from body and aura

Take a sea salt, rock salt or Himalayan salt in your dominate hand.
Scrub it for 14 days on
1.) Root chakra - for removing all black blocks and pluck out all negative vibrations through salt by rotating anti clock wise.
Then move it same on
2.) Solar chakra - for removing all soul issues anxiety, entity or any spirit connection so to break the cord same way use the salt to scrub out your negativity and break the cord from solar.
3.) Heart chakra - same way use to rotate salt anti clock wise and remove all your emotional blocks and break down all unwanted attachments.
4.) Third eye - same way use to cleans like before you did for other chakras, from third think all the negative thoughts patterns get release and get dissolve in this salt.
5.) Crown chakra - think what ever the karmic issues or negative problem are their in crown everything get dissolve in this salt and this salt has clean and charge the whole crown chakra.

After that again you go to each chakra take salt and move it in clockwise and just start flow of reiki and heal and shield your chakra with positive affirmation of vibration.

How Universal Laws Works on Karmas?

How Universal Laws Works on Karmas?

We have to balance all our karma according to universal laws. 

Universal always by some or other way balance the karma what we have done with others.

1% we receive in good way or bad way according to the karma what we have done.

10% we have to balance from what we have earned in various ways such as salary/ gift / free services / knowledge/ blessing etc.

100% we receive what we manifest in good or bad way from universe.

As per above rules of universe, we are connected with 3 main lords always i.e. Earth, Fire, Air.

Now these three lords keep watch and eye on us: for every work what we do and how we behave. 

So now final applicable of Universal laws in our life as follows:
1% x 3 lords = 3% in karma we receive (+ve / -ve)

10% x 3 lords = 30% in terms of balancing with nature to reduce our –ve karmas what we have done in past knowingly or un-knowingly

100% x 3 lords = 300% we receive the fruits accordingly how we live and behave in our life as per what we manifest.

Reiki classes, courses and training centre in vadodara, gujarat

Life with Colours Opening New Branch of Reiki Training Centre in Vadodara city to enlighten the people. Now there the people will get the right knowledge and technique to get enlighten in their spiritual path and also will learn the powerful healing technique to heal themself.

Learn the new techniques of reiki treatment and healing with traditional and with Vedic science By Master Kalpesh Dave.

Kalpesh Dave.
(Life with Colours)