
Saturday, February 10, 2024

As per vastu where you should place your medical box kit


Where you should place your medical kit at home and where you should avoid keeping medicine box in house. 

According to Vastu Shastra, it is recommended to place the medicine box in the northeast or northwest direction of the house. These directions are considered auspicious for storing medicines in Vastu. 

Here are some guidelines to follow when placing the medicine box:

1. Keep the medicine box clean and organized.

2. Avoid placing the medicine box in the bedroom. It is believed that having medicines in the bedroom can bring negative energy and disturb the peace and harmony of the space.

3. Avoid placing the medicine box in the kitchen. The heat and humidity in the kitchen can affect the quality and potency of the medicines.

4. Ensure that the medicine box is not placed on the floor. It is advised to keep it on a shelf or a cabinet.

Remember, Vastu Shastra is based on ancient beliefs and practices. While it may provide some guidance, it is always essential to prioritize common sense and consult medical professionals for your specific healthcare needs.

@by life with colours 

#medicine #medicinebox #medicalkit #vastuformedicine #vastu #medicinevastu #homeremedies

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