
Monday, August 7, 2023

The meanings and some benefits associated with nine plants, also known as Navagraha


The meanings and some benefits associated with nine plants, also known as Navagraha, that are commonly used in Indian astrology and are believed to represent the nine celestial bodies:

1. Sun Plant (Surya): The name Surya means "Sun" in Sanskrit. Sun plants, such as marigold or sunflower, are associated with power, energy, and vitality. They are said to bring positivity, success, and good health.

2. Moon Plant (Chandra): Chandra, meaning "Moon," is associated with emotions, intuition, and healing. Plants like jasmine or aloe vera are believed to bring calmness, peace, and emotional balance to one's life.

3. Mars Plant (Mangala): Mangala, meaning "Mars," represents strength, courage, and assertiveness. Plants like red roses or red sandalwood are believed to promote passion, determination, and protection.

4. Mercury Plant (Budha): Budha, meaning "Mercury," is associated with intelligence, communication, and wit. Plants like green herbs or mint symbolize intelligence, mental agility, and flexibility.

5. Jupiter Plant (Brihaspati): Brihaspati, meaning "Jupiter," represents wisdom, knowledge, and expansion. Plants like banyan trees or banana plants are believed to promote growth, prosperity, and spiritual development.

6. Venus Plant (Shukra): Shukra, meaning "Venus," represents love, beauty, and harmony. Plants like roses or lilies symbolize romance, attractiveness, and a sense of abundance.

7. Saturn Plant (Shani): Shani, meaning "Saturn," represents discipline, lessons, and transformation. Plants like blueberries or bamboo are believed to bring patience, endurance, and stability during challenging times.

8. Rahu Plant (Dragons Head): Rahu is considered an imaginary planet in Vedic astrology. It represents illusion, desires, and worldly attachments. Plants like lotus or snake plant are associated with spiritual growth, clarity, and protection from negative influences.

9. Ketu Plant (Dragons Tail): Ketu, like Rahu, is considered an imaginary planet representing spiritual enlightenment and liberation. Plants like sacred basil or neem are believed to bring spiritual awareness, protection, and purification.

Remember, these interpretations are based on ancient beliefs and cultural significance. While plants can add beauty and a sense of well-being to our surroundings, their benefits go beyond symbolic meanings. #plants #navgraha #9planets #graha #9planets #aurvediplants