Thursday, June 29, 2023

Here are some awesome affirmations for getting pregnant, protecting the baby, and ensuring a safe pregnancy


Here are some awesome affirmations for getting pregnant, protecting the baby, and ensuring a safe pregnancy:

Written - by Kalpesh Dave

Getting Pregnant:

1. I am grateful and open to the possibility of becoming a mother.

2. My body is fully capable of conceiving a healthy baby.

3. I trust in the natural process of fertility and embrace its timing.

4. I release any fear or doubt, knowing that I am destined to be a parent.

5. Every day, my body becomes more fertile and receptive to pregnancy.

6. I am surrounded by positive energy that supports my journey towards parenthood.

Protection for the Baby:

1. My baby is safe and protected within me, surrounded by love and light.

2. The universe is watching over my baby, ensuring its well-being.

3. My body is a nurturing environment for my baby to grow and thrive.

4. I send love and positive energy to my baby, creating a strong bond.

5. I trust in my body's ability to provide everything my baby needs.

Remaining Safe in Pregnancy:

1. I find peace and comfort within myself throughout my pregnancy.

2. My baby and I are safe and protected from any harm or negativity.

3. I prioritize self-care and make choices that benefit my well-being.

4. I trust my instincts and intuition to guide me towards a healthy pregnancy.

5. I am surrounded by loving support and receive all the help I need.

6. Each day, I am blessed with good health and vitality for me and my baby.

Remember to repeat these affirmations daily, believing in their positive impact on your journey to conception, pregnancy, and motherhood.