
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

What does Reiki Energy feels like?

What does Reiki Energy feel like?

Reiki treatments are different for everyone. Some people feel Reiki as warm; some people feel it as cool. Some people will feel a tingle, and some people will feel nothing at all. Regardless of the actual sensation, Reiki treatments are relaxing, calming, and soothing.

Here are the main Sensations: 

  • Tingling in the palms of your hand, or fingers, or both.

  • Heat in the palms of your hands, or fingers, or both.
  • Tingling that becomes hot, if there is a lot of energy flowing.
  • Heat that starts to tingle if there is a lot of energy flowing. 

Less Common Sensations:

  • Coolness, though this can have different meanings for different people.
  •  Magnetic attraction or repulsion.
  • Some sort of vibration or pulsing, or a ‘breeze’ blowing under your hand.
  • An experience of ‘Colour’ of some sort, in your hands, or in your head, as the energy flows.
  • Something that it difficult to explain, but you know what it is when it is happening!
  • Not very much at all.

Not very much at all:
  • Energy from Earth Element – Feel like Magnetic Pull / Attraction / Force.
  • Energy from Water Element – Feel like Coolness / Cold Breeze
  • Energy from Fire Element – Feel like Warmness / Heat Senses (Common energy of Reiki)
  • Energy from Air Element – Feel like Heaviness / Lightness / Peace in heart
  •  Energy from Cosmic (Ether) – Feel like Tingling / Vibration / Current / Spark / Coil type raising feeling

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