Friday, July 13, 2018

Protecting and Grounding

Protecting and Grounding


The best protection is to be grounded, actually. By being grounded the clients ills will tend to stay with them and be transformed by the client. By being grounded you will be fuller of energy, and your own essence, which will naturally cause the energy flow to be from you into the client, rather than from the client into you.
  • For getting protection from the clients / patients you cover yourself with the White Light or Purple Light. Request reiki to cover you in the protection layer.
  • Take a Bath of Sea Salt after giving the treatment to others. 
  • Keep some kind of Crystal Quartz Wands Sticks or Quartz Malas while giving the reiki and treatment to others.


Grounding is not a topic considered as part of Reiki. However, in my experience as an energy healer who has Reiki training, there are many realities of the Energy which are not covered in Reiki training. The dual concepts of grounding and protection are among these.

Let us back up a little for a quick review of Energy Healing. Generally speaking this field, Energy Healing, involves the practice of channeling an energy form commonly called "Chi" into a recipient, who is the client, and who is receiving the healing. This energy, Chi, is involved with everything in the Universe. The word translates to English as "Universal Life Force", and this is a very apt term for it appears in everything in some form.

The energy, Chi, is not unique to the practice of Reiki, and there are many systems of energy healing other than Reiki. The energy follows various rules, which in some ways resemble the laws of electrical energy, and these rules are active regardless of which system of energy healing you follows. In fact, it is my belief that the different systems of energy healing are merely different "maps" that try to understand the territory of the activity of Chi. That there are different systems merely reflects that each individual has their own way of seeing the world, and thus each teacher of energy healing finds a different way to teach which results in a different format of practice.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

What does Reiki Energy feels like?

What does Reiki Energy feel like?

Reiki treatments are different for everyone. Some people feel Reiki as warm; some people feel it as cool. Some people will feel a tingle, and some people will feel nothing at all. Regardless of the actual sensation, Reiki treatments are relaxing, calming, and soothing.

Here are the main Sensations: 

  • Tingling in the palms of your hand, or fingers, or both.

  • Heat in the palms of your hands, or fingers, or both.
  • Tingling that becomes hot, if there is a lot of energy flowing.
  • Heat that starts to tingle if there is a lot of energy flowing. 

Less Common Sensations:

  • Coolness, though this can have different meanings for different people.
  •  Magnetic attraction or repulsion.
  • Some sort of vibration or pulsing, or a ‘breeze’ blowing under your hand.
  • An experience of ‘Colour’ of some sort, in your hands, or in your head, as the energy flows.
  • Something that it difficult to explain, but you know what it is when it is happening!
  • Not very much at all.

Not very much at all:
  • Energy from Earth Element – Feel like Magnetic Pull / Attraction / Force.
  • Energy from Water Element – Feel like Coolness / Cold Breeze
  • Energy from Fire Element – Feel like Warmness / Heat Senses (Common energy of Reiki)
  • Energy from Air Element – Feel like Heaviness / Lightness / Peace in heart
  •  Energy from Cosmic (Ether) – Feel like Tingling / Vibration / Current / Spark / Coil type raising feeling

Who can learn Reiki?

Who can learn Reiki?

Who can learn Reiki? This is the most normal question that comes in a human being's mind before pursuing anything. So let me answer this simple question to you that Reiki is something that can be learned by anybody. Reiki doesn't need any qualifications for eligibility but, only ones will to learn.The ability to learn reiki is independent on intellectual capacity, it doesn't need someone to learn how to meditate.

Reiki doesn't take years of practice, it's a pure form of healing not dependent on individual talent or acquired ability. Reiki is not affected by healer's personality. The signification of experience is never clouded, it is simply passed on from teacher to student as soon as this happens, and one has and can do reiki. It is easily learn by anyone even children. Any person from 5 year old is eligible to learn Reiki.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Introduction of my channel on youtube-lifewithcolours

Introduction of my channel on 


Hello friends,

Now I am giving all reiki level 1 videos online via my youtube channel.
Request you all please subscribe my channel and get updated with all my reiki Playlist videos.
This is how my youtube channel looks like:

Home page of my youtube channel:

you can check videos from my youtube channel:

Check the playlist of my youtube channel

Apart from reiki I will also uploading other videos which are very helpful in everyday day to day life and which increases our individual self –development and growth in spirituality.

Here is the link for videos: 

What is reiki?
How to clean the aura? 

Also check my video for how to do login and get subscription plans for further studies
how to do login 

Request you all to subscribe my channel and give any suggestion, so that I can spread more knowledge to you all and in turn growth of individual self-development...

Thanks and Regards,
Kalpesh Dave

Friday, May 4, 2018

Online Reiki Classes with Full video lectures and practical

Online Reiki Classes with Full video lectures and practical

E course learning Reiki

 Now I have open the online Reiki Classes with full Video and practical session. So who really wants to learn and grow in spirituality can learn reiki online.. now there is no place issue or traveling problem.... is that u just need to do a online registration and pay the fees of the course which you want to learn... 

Here is the procedure and steps for registration:

Step 1: visit to my other website 

Step 2: on home page click on sign in

Step 3: you will see two option choose as per your requirement. As if you are new for course then click on option one or else if your are existing student who have already learn the reiki course from me (kalpesh dave) then click on option 2 (for ref see the photo below)

online reiki e-course form

Step 4: if you click for new member in step 3 then you will see below photo

online course registration

A) as in this first you need to pay the course fess in my bank account via NEFT / Online transfer / Cash Deposit. keep the payment receipt with you safely you will be needed in future for further registration. 

B) fill the form details as per given , in this you need to attach the copy of payment receipt, your passport size photo and id proof 

c) then done.

Step 4a: if you have select option second in the step 3 then you will see window link this online registartation course

Step 4b: fill the form

Step 5: now you will be receiving an email after registration and it will be activated within 48 hours. 

Step 6: then I will be providing you the full access of the online learning reiki course.

***Step 7: once this one then I will be emailing you the certificate and manual through via email and give attunement.

and do you will be channelized with traditional reiki energy.

As after watching videos and go through manual your all queries related to reiki will be clear and solved... and if still you need to ask anything then just email your query I will reply you.

thank you for learning the course online.

*** step 7 is only valid for the new members not for the existing students who already learn from Kalpesh dave personally.. 

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Grounding and Centering Meditation

Grounding and Centering Meditation

This is a quick grounding meditation. You should practice this to balance your energy, release anxiety, or any time you feel like screaming.

Sit peacefully and relax. Let the ground or chair support you. Let your muscles go. You don't have to exert any effort to sit there. Take in an easy, deep breath...and let it out your mouth, parting your lips slightly as you exhale. 

Let your arms feel heavy, pulling down your shoulders. Breathe... Let that heavy feeling flow down your torso and legs, so you feel heavy and relaxed all the way down to your feet on the ground.

Now picture and feel roots growing from your feet down into the ground. Just like a tree's roots...going down into the layers of cool dirt...growing around rocks...traveling further and further down into the earth. Let the roots grow as deeply as you wish.

Now feel the healing, rhythmic energy of the earth itself flowing up through your roots...slowly traveling up...through your roots, up to your feet and quickly filling your entire body. Feel this positive, grounded, earth energy throughout your being. Take in a deep, cleansing breath... and release.

When you are ready, open your eyes and know that this grounded energy will remain with you throughout your day.

By Kalpesh Dave.

Subscribe Now for Online Class

Subscription Fees / Rate Plan
(For online video course)

Subscription Fees Plan:
1.) Plan A – Members who had learn from Life with Colours.
2.) Plan B – For those Members who have not learn from Life with Colours.

The Members have to upload the copy of bank payment receipt in the Subscription registration from.
For Payment Details Click -> Banking details / Payment Details

The below Subscription Charges are only for viewing the online class videos for the members who have learned the course and to revise their practices.

In this Subscription Charges Attunement, manuals, certificate or any other material are not going to be provided.

Members who are not the part of Life with Colours and want to Subscribe for the online class compulsory need to submit their certificate copy to life with colours through Subscribe registration.

Sr. No
Subscribe Course / Level
Subscription Fees
Plan A
For Existing Members
(*per month)
Plan B
For Non-Existing Members
(*per month)
Reiki Basic Level 1
Reiki Advance Level 2
Reiki Master  Practitioner  Level 3A  
Combination Reiki Pack for all 3 Levels
*This subscription is only valid for 1 month from the date of registration, after that it will automatically get expire. If you wish to re-subscribe then again you need to register or Email us.