
Friday, March 11, 2016

Reiki Levels or Degrees Course

Reiki Course Programs

A Reiki workshop is normally a one-day workshop. It involves theory, attunement, practice and discussion. This combination gives a student a solid understanding of Reiki. Attunement alone is insufficient for a student to become proficient in the practice and use of Reiki energy.

In addition, Reiki also has the potential superiority in awakening Kundalini and aiding the cleansing and purification processes of Kundalini thus giving consciousness expansion for the practitioners. All techniques in Usui Reiki are taught in Reiki Course. Reiki brings about a very powerful spiritual understanding above and beyond the healing aspects of Reiki.

To achieve short-term goal (i.e., healing), medium term goal (i.e., Self Realization) and final spiritual goal (i.e., Enlightenment or KUNDALINI) through Reiki and its subsequent techniques, we offer a series of workshops or programs. These include: Reiki Course, Heart of Heart, Kundalini and Meditation (we call this "Consciousness Ladder Technique"). All workshops and programs teach very simple but powerful spiritual techniques. They are independent of any religious or belief system. 

Level of Reiki Attunement:

1. Reiki Level 1

Everyone who learns Reiki must start at Level 1, even if they have received previous attunements from other Reiki systems.
The Level 1 attunement provides the instant capability to channel Reiki healing energy simply by the intention to do so, initial kundalini activation and preparation for the kundalini awakening in Level 2. The crown, heart and palm chakras are opened and the sushumna is cleansed. Connection is made to both divine and earth core energy.

2. Reiki Level 2

Level 2 enhances the ability to use Reiki-healing energy by means of Reiki symbols and kundalini awakening. The entire sushumna channel is safely and gently opened, with the kundalini fire reaching at least to the navel chakra. The previous energetic connections are refined, and the third eye chakra is opened to facilitate the sensing of subtle energies. 

3. Reiki Level 3

Level 3 focuses on the preparation to teach and give Reiki attunements of Level 1 to others. Level 3 enhances the ability to use Reiki-healing in Distance energy by means of Reiki  Master symbols and kundalini awakening. The practitioner moves beyond theories into real practices of the removal of human limitations. 

4. Reiki Level 4 (Master Level):

(Teaching Master): Level 4 focuses on the preparation to teach and give Reiki attunements of Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4 to others. There is further development and activation of all major chakras. In Level 4, the previous attunements are enhanced and the throat, navel, sacral and base chakras are opened. The kundalini fire reaches to the Third Eye chakra (6th chakra).

5. Reiki Level 5 and 6 (Grand Master Level):

(Teaching Grandmaster): Level 5 and 6 focuses on the preparation to teach and give Reiki Attunement of Grand Master Level 5 and Level 6 to others. The kundalini fire reaches to the Crown Chakra (7th chakra) and Eight Soul Star Chakra (8th Chakra).

Master/Teacher continuation and completion of the Usui System of Natural Healing.

Reiki levels V and VI are not given directly from Mikao Usui. At the beginning these levels were without symbols. They were formed by a Qi Gong and Reiki Master from Berlin, Germany. He saw an opportunity to channel Qi Gong energy in the same way as Reiki during meditation – this is the second part of the initiation process.

The symbols were probably channeled by an English medium/channel, they then being put together because it was believed that symbols ought to be added to the initiation process.

Experiences with levels V and VI are very positive, it being powerful energy called Reiki-Laser Energy.

To be initiated into levels V and VI, one should have been a Reiki Master for at least six months.

Both the levels V and VI must be taught together and so both the initiations are given one after the other. They are Yin and Yang.

Traditionally, there are only 4 levels to learning Reiki. You learn the Attunement/ Initiation process in the level 4 . It must be understood that the levels 5 and 6 are not Reiki. The use of levels in Reiki is simply a way of breaking up Reiki training into sizes that are easier to learn and understand.

Your selection of a Reiki Practitioner/ Master to learn Reiki from is of utmost importance. It is believed that you attract to yourself the Master who will work for your highest good. I suggest, don’t search frantically for a Master, just let your intuition guide you i.e. follow your gut feeling.

Do something amazing and life-changing life today, learn Reiki! Allow yourself to begin a new and exciting journey in life, and become enlightened. 

A. Inner Heart

  • Objective:
    • Understanding heart versus mind.
    • Understanding inner heart.
    • Activating and energizing inner heart.
    • Letting the inner heart to be the director of your life to be closer to God.
  • Topics:
    • Understanding heart versus mind.
    • Understanding inner heart.
    • Different exercises to activate and energize inner heart.
    • Understanding your own self with your heart.
    • Calibrating your heart.
    • Letting your heart to direct you to God.
  • Note: One must have attended Reiki Level 2 and joined Open Heart Prayer min. 10x. in group OR Reiki Level 3 and joined Open Heart Prayer min. 5x in group (not open to public).


Most problems in meditation are caused by a wandering mind. During the Meditation Workshop, the pineal gland is activated, allowing the mind to focus more effectively and reach a higher state of meditation. Only those who have been practicing meditation for at least ten years usually reach this level of focus.
Note: Reiki Level 3.


It is a guided private session designed to guide the participant to re-experience their past lives to reach their soul consciousness. It is a very powerful technique to cleanse past lives traumas as well as learning some pending spiritual lessons. The participants remain physically aware during the session. It is not hypnosis technique. At higher level, the participants will be guided to enter Spirit Consciousness as the gateway to achieve self-realization.
Note: Reiki Level V and VI.


This is a long-term program designed for serious spiritual practitioners. It aims to complete the kundalini process and help reach self-realization. All major chakras bloom into full lotus form and the kundalini essence unites with the crown chakra.
Note: Kundalini and Reiki.