
Monday, December 15, 2014

How to Open and Activate Third Eye Chakra

How to Open and Activate Third Eye Chakra, Opening Third Eye Technique

People solve their problems through rational decision making. Sometimes they lack rationality and solve something through complete intuition. This can lead to either right or wrong decision. But the question arises, how and from where they get these intuitions? People are said to use the third eye for decision making. There are some techniques for opening third eye.

Benefits of activating third eye chakra:
  • Third eye chakra or Ajna chakra is located between the eyebrows. It is the seat of soul. Meditation on this chakra brings nectar, unlimited visions and the ability of controlling adverse circumstances.
  • The three major nadis Ida, Pingla and Sushumna meet in the third eye chakra, thus before awaking of kundalini Shakti the third eye chakra should be greatly purified and open properly.
  • Ajna or third eye chakra is the centre of wisdom and intuition. When this chakra is awaken mind becomes study, calm, reliable and free of all attachments.
  • Awakening third eye chakra improves your memory; increase the mystical power of mind. You will perceive psychic guidance, psychic visions, extra sensory perception, clairvoyance and divine intuition.
  • Will power becomes very strong and all goals of the aspirant are achieved.
  • The aspirant acquires the full control of prana. He can easily distribute the prana inside and outside the body at his will.
  • Awakening of third eye chakra gives many siddhis and mystical powers to the seeker.
  • The quality of beauty, friendliness, generosity, happiness and radiance are being incorporated in the personality of the seeker.

Significance of a mantra:
  • A mantra works by creating its very special and own type of resonance in space by throwing out subtle sound or vibration.
  • A mantra is a pure form of energy having the qualities of mobility, fluidity, softness, emitting calories and movement of by the power impulses.
  • The purpose of a mantra is to bring the mind to state of devotion and concentration.
  • Sound vibrations created by utterance of a mantra enable the aspirant to attain the state of concentration, absorption, super consciousness and illumination.
  • Mantra is a form of a prayer which invokes the presiding deity of that mantra. Mantra chanting can awake amazing powers of mind and soul through the opening of that specific chakra of consciousness which related with the specific presiding deity.
  • If a mantra is awakened in the breath while concentrating on a specific chakra the whole body is recharged. The psychic toxins and blocks of that chakra are eliminated. The chakra opens with its full potentiality and the stage of union of individualized being with God is reached.
      Science of activating the third eye with ॐ OM mantra

      • Control the thoughts and focus the mind by chanting OM mantra.
      • The energizing and purifying breaths of concentric breathing patterns purify and regenerate the mind and soul. 
      • Concentric breathing patterns are a set of rhythmic and synchronizing breaths associated with constant visualization of circles one inside the other.
      • The rhythmic visualization of expansion and contraction of prana as fine streaks of light at third eye chakra results in unlocking the psychic lock of third eye chakra. 
      • The whole technique will arrest the subconscious and conscious states of mind at third eye chakra resulting in the instant opening of that chakra.

        Have a look at the following steps / techniques, for an effective solutions to open third eye:

        Choose Your Place to Open Third Eye 
        To open third eye chakra, you need to meditate. For meditation, you must have a calm and quiet environment. So, choose your place accordingly so that you nobody disturbs you in the middle of your meditation.

        Get in the Meditating Position to Open Third Eye
        After you have found a suitable place for your meditation, you should sit with your knees folded. This is a very important part for opening third eye. You should place each of your hands in each of the legs. 

        Relax Your Soul to Open Third Eye
        Relaxing is very important as a part of meditation. After you have sat in an appropriate position, you need to stay like that way for a while. Relax your body, do not move too much. If you move too much, you will eventually lose your concentration. You should also start relaxing your mind. If you have a relaxed mind, it will be easier for you to be successful in your meditation.

        Be Attentive When You are Observing Your Surroundings
        People do not give much importance to the things that are happening around them. As a result, they lose much important information through this process.

        Dreams Can be an Eye Opener
        Many people regard dreams as indication of something. Often, this becomes true too. So, keep a record of your dream. However, people forget their dream as soon as they wake up. Write down whatever you have seen and whatever you remember. This is how you can keep a record of your dream.

        Listening to Your Inner Message to Open Third Eye
        Have you ever had a feeling around the range of an individual, place, or occasion that you could not demonstrate? Have you ever had a peculiar notion that a certain occasion may occur, without any robust confirmation to help it? These sorts of sentiments are called gut intuitions, and everyone has them. Tragically, numerous individuals have a tendency to disregard their senses. Whenever you feel you have one of these emotions, record it and check whether it ends up being correct. Attempt to perceive how these hunches interface with your life. Remember that simply since you have a premonition, does not fundamentally imply that it is correct. In Contrast, assuming that it is correct, it may not unfold in genuine for a considerable length of time, months, or even years. The most ideal approach to know beyond any doubt is to record these sentiments when you get them and to backtrack and read them at times.

        Meditate More Often to Open Third Eye
        Do not expect that you will get to open your third eye right after following these steps. Instinct takes time to develop. You should be patient and do your meditation more often so that you can open the door for opening third eye.

        There is a world inside everybody. Human is said to be capable of only using a part of its brain function. The unused part always unconsciously helps us in our daily lives. Often it gets disregarded by the people, but hunches do sometimes come true. Opening your third eye is an art. You need to make yourself capable of opening your third eye.

        Signs and symptoms of third eye chakra activation 
        • There are some signs related to activation of third eye chakra, by closing your eyes you may see:
        a)    Sparking lights.
        b)    Blue/purple/silver white colours.
        c)    Black sky with infinite stars.
        d)    Silver white dots.
        e)    Purple or indigo coloured figure of circle/triangle/square/eye.
        • You may have a tingling electrical sensation in your body. You may feel pressure or sensation of screwing or pulsation in the area of third eye chakra. 
        • You may see aura, images, shadows, different colours and different invisible entities of other dimensions.
        • Your dream becomes quite real and vivid.
        • After the activation of third eye chakra you will become more sensitive towards others energy field.

        Time scale for third eye activation

        • The time takes to activate the third eye chakra is different for everyone, usually it depends upon one's own dedication, sincerity and the application of right technique.
        • Usually the third eye is activated according to the spiritual advancement, the accumulated spiritual progress of previous births. The activation may take place between the time periods of one weak to three months.

        Frequently Asked Questions

        Frequently Asked Questions 
        What is Holistic Health Care?
        Holistic care addresses the PERSON who has the disease, rather than the Disease the person has. It seeks to alleviate the cause rather than just healing the outward symptoms. Holistic healing brings people to a state of wholeness in body, emotions, mind and spirit. 

        What is the major Focus of Holistic Care?
        Healing the cause of the illness instead of just bringing relief to the physical symptoms is the focus of holistic care. Relaxation is also a major part of holistic care as it enables the body to heal itself.  Reiki is a complete  energy system as a treatment and preventive health measure as well. 

        To Learn Reiki do I have to be Religious or be part of a Religious or Spiritual group?
        No, not at all! Reiki is not a religious system and faith in a religious system is not required to be a practitioner of Reiki. It does not require any conditions to be fulfilled so that a student may learn Reiki, just a sincere desire to help themselves and others by using Reiki. Reiki is unconditional love. Everyone has the ability to receive and ‘give’ healing. It takes some longer than others to evolve in their spirituality to realize this! 

        What Can be Treated?
        Reiki is both powerful and gentle and in its long history of use has aided in healing every known illness and injury, including serious problems such as cancer and heart disease, as well as insomnia, skin problems, lack of self esteem, stress and anxiety, etc.  Reiki is a wonderful complement to any medical or supplemental healing method. However, it is not to be considered a substitute for traditional medical or behavioral health treatment.  

        How Does Reiki Work?
        Reiki is a natural, non-invasive therapy. It re-balances, revitalizes and realigns the body by removing blocked “chi” (energy).  Reiki Energy comes directly from the highest spiritual Source and has its own intelligence. It knows exactly about the areas in need of assistance. The practitioner, who maintains his or her connection to the Source, is simply a “conduit” for this energy.  

        We are all connected and energy has no limits, so Reiki may be sent remotely with the same results as a hands-on session. 

        When a person is relaxed, his or her body’s natural healing abilities come to the fore. Reiki facilitates this relaxation. A person’s blocks take years to build and so it may take more than one session to achieve complete healing.  The results of Reiki are cumulative and some benefits are often noted after the first session or two, depending on the individual’s state of well-being. 

        Do I need to stop the medications and medical care I’m currently undergoing to benefit from a Reiki Treatment?
        Do NOT discontinue any medications or treatment program your medical practitioner has deemed necessary, unless you first speak with them personally. Reiki is a wonderful complement to other treatments such as Allopathy and alternative medicine. It can be used while you are on medication with medicines such as Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, etc.

        As a Reiki Practitioner, we do not diagnose nor cure others. Reiki is doing the work. We are a channel for the life force energy to flow through, a provider of a connection to the healing energies to empower the recipient to heal. As a Reiki practitioner we do not interfere in the medical treatments the person is undergoing and we absolutely do NOT suggest that anyone discontinue medications or other treatment. Reiki is not a substitute for medical care.

        A Reiki Practitioner will never advise you to discontinue the medical care you are currently undergoing. I would say steer clear of any such practitioners who tell you to stop your medications/ medical care in place of Reiki ! 
        What Is Distance Healing?
        Distance healing or Absent healing is healing that takes place when the healer and the client are not physically in the same place. In other words a person can be in another country or even another continent and still be a part of a Reiki healing session and receive healing energy by the Reiki Practitioner!

        How Does Distance Healing Work?
        We are all connected and energy has no limits, so Reiki may be sent remotely with the same results as a hands-on session. Distance Reiki works from the premise that energy is universal, it doesn't heed the human laws of time and distance.

        This is how a distance session works-  the practitioner connects to the client via whatever methods work for them. Some use pictures, names, anything that strengthens the connection. A Reiki Practitioner sends or directs energy to the person or situation in need of healing through intention and visualization techniques.

        Once the connection is established, the practitioner treats the client as if they were physically there. Some use visualization methods, others use proxy methods (something physically tangible that the practitioner can feel physically like a teddy bear for instance). There are a variety of methods that can be used.

        Distance does not interfere in the sending or receiving of Reiki energy nor does it take any more effort to send it across the seas to other parts of the world. 
        What is the main difference between Reiki and other Energy Healing methods?
        In Reiki,we do not "remove" negative energy and "put in" positive energy; rather, we transform all other kinds of energy into positive energy. Reiki healing and attunements can be done remotely also. A Reiki healer does not use his/her own energy to heal, they use Universal Energy. Reiki can be learned by anyone in a short time. 

        Is Reiki a religion?
        This is a very common question! Reiki is not a religion and is not based on any religion. It is spiritual in nature. Belief in a religious system is not required in order to receive, learn or use Reiki energy. All that is required is an open mind and heart, a willingness to learn and to heal.     
        What other Reiki techniques exist in the world?
        The Radiance Technique, Usui/Tibetan Reiki, Seichem, Shamballa, Reiki Plus, Sacred Path Reiki, Ascension Reiki, Tera-Mai Reiki, Tera-Mai Seichem, Karuna Reiki, Karuna Ki, Raku Kei Reiki, Lightarian Reiki. These styles of Reiki are different from the traditional Reiki that Usui sensei used and taught. 

        Is Reiki safe?
        Reiki energy works only for the highest good of each person. Reiki can not cause harm and can not be used for harmful purposes. It is safe for anyone and for any situation including pregnant women and children. 

        What are Reiki Symbols?
        They are tools to help direct/focus energy. Symbols acquire power by being charged with the intention of the person. They are triggers that enable you to connect with spiritual information. The power is not in the symbol itself but in what the symbol represents. Symbols help you connect with and focus the Reiki energy. 

        Is Reiki open to everyone?
        Yes, anyone can be initiated into Reiki. It does not require any conditions to be fulfilled so that a student may learn Reiki, just the will to do so. You must have a sincere desire to help yourself and others by using Reiki. Belief in a religious system is not required to learn. 

        Can I treat myself with Reiki?
        "If you can't heal yourself, how can you heal others" - Usui sensei.
        Self-healing will re-balance and center your body-mind-spirit connection. 

        What are the five principles or precepts of Reiki?
        Usui sensei’s Reiki Principles are:
        Just for today
        Don’t get angry
        Don’t worry
        Be grateful
        Work hard
        Be kind to others 

        Will I get tired and exhausted if I give many Reiki treatments in a day?
        Your own energy is never depleted when using Reiki. Reiki is Universal Energy and you draw from it for healing. You are a channel through which Reiki energy flows out of to heal. The energy heals and energizes you even while you are healing others.
        How can one be attuned to Reiki?
        Reiki is passed on to a student when a Reiki Master transmits energy to the student through a series of attunements/initiations.

        An attunement is the process by which the Reiki Master passes on to the student the ability to channel Reiki energy or Universal energy. During this process your aura is cleared of any blocks so that the healing energies may flow through you. After the attunement, whether you use the energy or not, you can channel Reiki Energy all your life. 
        Does an attunement “wear off” with time?
        An attunement is permanent, it does not “wear off” and you can never lose it. After the attunement, whether you use the energy or not, you can channel Reiki Energy all your life. 

        What is a Distant or Remote Attunement?
        Distance Attunements are attunements that take place when the Reiki Master and the client are not physically in the same place. In other words a person can be in another country or even another continent and still be attuned to Reiki by the Reiki Master!

        A distant attunement uses the Reiki Distant Symbol (Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen) to perform an attunement on someone who is not physically present. Most Reiki practitioners accept that touch is not required for a Reiki treatment or attunement to be given. It is the Intent of the Reiki Master that is of utmost importance for an attunement to happen. 
        Do Distant Attunements work?
        It must be understood that Reiki Attunements are done on an energetic level rather than a physical one. All Reiki Masters agree on this. The only physical touching that is done during the process of attunement such as tapping on the shoulders, hands is really optional. All that is needed for the Reiki Attunement to be successfully passed is the Reiki Master's intent to give a Reiki Attunement and the recipient's intent to receive the attunement.
        Distant Attunements are appropriate and as perfect as hands-on attunements. Distant Attunements are done by using the distant symbol and visualization and intent. 

        Can Reiki be used with other therapies?
        Yes. It can be combined with other complementary therapies very successfully. Reiki is a wonderful complement to other forms of treatment such as Allopathy and alternative medicine. It can be used while you are on medication with medicines such as Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, etc. Reiki will enhance their effects.   
        Do I need to have a medical background to learn Reiki?
        No! Anyone can learn Reiki, no qualifications of any formal education are required. Many hospitals and universities are recognizing the benefits of Reiki and although health care professionals may offer Reiki to their patients, anyone can learn Reiki. 

        Can Reiki be used on animals and plants?
        Animals and plants have energy systems that respond well to Reiki. They are living energy fields that can become imbalanced and they draw Reiki energy quite easily.   

        Will I feel any sensations during or after the Reiki treatment?
        It depends entirely on the individual. You might have sensations during or after the treatment such as: heat, tingling, relaxation, sleepiness, or other. Or you might not have any sensations at all, but this does not mean that Reiki is not working
        What Does a Treatment Consist of?
        A standard treatment consists of placing the hands on or just above positions around the head, shoulders, stomach, knees, feet or back. Each position is held for approximately 3 to 5 minutes and the entire treatment usually lasts an average of 30 minutes to 60 minutes. The hand positions and duration of the treatment depend on the needs of the client.

        The client remains fully clothed and lies on a massage table during the treatment. The client can be seated on a chair during the treatment, if he or she is comfortable so. The client is advised to wear loose, comfortable clothes so that they can relax completely; shoes are to be removed.

        You will find that Reiki treatments relax, rejuvenate and refresh you. A Reiki treatment heals on all levels- physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.  
        What changes can I expect after being attuned to Reiki ?
        Change is three fold:
        1. Heightened awareness towards your goal.
        2. You will begin to think differently about yourself & your place in life!
        3. Your behaviors concerning your environment, your relationships, your job...etc. will begin to change and you will begin to see that we are all part of a whole.

        What does the term Reiki Master mean?
        In the Usui System of Reiki, one who has been attuned with Reiki energy is a practitioner. Reiki training is divided into 3 Levels or Degrees: 1st Degree, 2nd Degree and 3rd Degree. After the 1st Degree and 2nd Degree attunements, the student becomes a practitioner and can channel Reiki Energy to others. However, a practitioner cannot attune or initiate others after the 1st and 2nd Degree, they need to be attuned into the 3rd Degree of Reiki. After being attuned to the 3rd Degree of Reiki, the practitioner receives the title Reiki Master/Teacher and has the ability to teach and attune students.

        In Reiki, Master means teacher. A Master has taken the responsibility to help others on their path. A Reiki Master has chosen to walk the path of healing and has made a commitment to show others how to heal themselves and others by showing them the way. It is not a designation to be used for ego inflation.   

        A Reiki Master is one who is able to stay in his or her own energy and not interfere with the path of another being. 

        Can Reiki really help me Heal? 

        Is there any Research on the effects of Reiki?
        Yes, there is! Clinical research on the effects of Reiki therapy on a variety of physical and mental disorders is currently in process at several medical centers in the U.S. with the assistance of funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Complementary and Alternative Medicine.  Published reports have noted a positive effect on pain control, enhanced relaxation, and increased circulation in human research subjects. Also, Kirlian photos or Aura photos show significant changes before and after Reiki treatments. 

        How can I contact you?
        I live in Mumbai, India. I conduct in-person Reiki Training and healing and also do Distance Attunements and Healing. I teach Reiki I, II, III,  Master Levels IV and Usui Grand Master Level V and VI. I do Intuitive Readings, Chakra Clearing and Balancing, Dowsing, Energy Clearing of homes, work-places. I am a Clairvoyant and offer Spiritual Guidance. You can phone or email me. The details are in the ‘Contact Me’ page.