Buri Nazar – how to ward off evil eye - Simple Techniques and Procedures

Some common symptoms of Evil Eye or Buri Nazar that you may have noticed yourself:
- Sudden vomiting,
- Diarrhea,
- The drying up of the milk of nursing mothers and livestock,
- Problems with the blood, eyesight
- Souring of milk frequently, food going bad too soon
- continued business losses
- Break down in office automation and machinery
- Excessive unaccounted theft and expenses in home and work place
- Impotence in men
- Total head and back of the neck pain and the feeling of heavy eyes.
- An acute uneasiness or apprehension: everything seems to go wrong.
- Frequent quarrels amongst husbands and wives
- Total breakdown of communication amongst married partners and love
- Stomach ache accompanied with dizziness and a feeling of vomiting.
- Amongst the babies, they cry without reason and have terrible stomach pangs and pain.
Various Remedies in different cultures:

Indian women wear kohl to prevent themselves to get affected by the evil eye or the Buri Nazar. The new born babies are also placed a small black kohl dot on the forehead near the the hair, half-hiding in the hair to ward off evil eye. In India cords strung with blue beads are placed on newborn babies. When the cord breaks and the beads are lost the child is considered to have a strong enough aura to protect him or herself from the evil eye. Red cords worn upon the wrist or neck are thought to have a powerful effect against ocular malevolence or the “Evil Eye” or Buri nazar.
Some popular symptoms and their remedies are as follows:
Symptom 1: Child crying incessantly without reason, looks like a stomach upset or the reason is unknown.
Remedy: Take 2 red dry chillies, some rock salt, mustard seeds and a few strands of the mothers hair and rotate over the child clockwise thrice and then anti-clockwise thrice, from top to bottom, front and back. Now take a hot plate- tava and put all of this on the hot plate.
the red chillies fumes irritates your nose and makes you sneeze then
the evil eye was not there, but even after the red chillies have burnt
to black cinder and there is no irritation, then the evil eye was
strong. The baby will start to feel fine in no time.
Symptom 2: Adult is feeling sluggish, irritable, sickly and loss of appetite for no reason.
Remedy: Take some rock salt and the do the above clockwise and anti clockwise rotation over the head and immerse in a glass of water kept close by. It is believed that as the salt mixes with water, the evil eye will also dissolve away.
Symptom 3: A particular member in the family suffers from chronic illness? The reason could be very well due to evil eye of neighbors or relatives.
Remedy: Take sea water in a bottle or can and distill the water using a white cloth. After distillation, take the distilled water and mix a small proportion of ” Gau Mutra”(cow’s urine). Store it in a bottle and spread the water inside every rooms of the house during Tuesday, Friday, Full moon day and new moon day. This remedy will burn the evil eye and its resulting illness.
Symptom 4: Frequent illness and loss of appetite for livestock’s. Domestic animals are also in unrest and seem agitated.
Remedy: Do you know evil eye can also affect domestic animals? One of the way to remove this evil eye is by bathing the affected livestock’s using turmeric powder mixed in water. Another effective method is to rotate a burning coconut over the animals body to remove the evil eye.
Symptom 5:
Is your business running a bad patch, not getting the deserved success
in business? Then it might be due to the evil eye of your business
Remedy: To ward off evil eye by business competitors or neighbors, place lemon in a glass full of water. Make sure the glass is a white transparent one. Keep the glass in a place which is very visible to people who visit your place. Also, change the water every day. On every Saturday, remove the lemon and replace it with new one. By doing this, you can ward off evil eye that affects your business or profession.
Symptom 6: Misfortunes, Bad luck, loss of fortune and jobless situation. These are some of the common evil eye effects.
Remedy: One of the common and well known method to remove evil eye is by keeping an aquarium in the house. Aquarium should be kept in the Hall of the house, and should be placed in the south side of the Hall. You may also install (put on wall of house) the Durga Kavach Yantra to ward off evil eye. (it is very easily available in the master at any pooja shop)
Putting up a photograph of the famed Panchamukhi Hanumanji is also a sure-shot way to remove evil eye and safeguard from negative energies. Vastu Dosha can be removed and nullified by this rare phtoograph.
Symptom 7:
Evil eye can easily affect pregnant ladies when they go out of the
house, and such envious thoughts can affect the health of pregnant
Remedy: While going out, take a two to three neem tree leaves and keep it with you. After returning to home, burn the neem tree leaves, thus burning the evil eye that was cast on you.
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