Friday, March 14, 2025

Reiki classes, courses and training centre in vadodara, gujarat

Life with Colours Opening New Branch of Reiki Training Centre in Vadodara city to enlighten the people. Now there the people will get the right knowledge and technique to get enlighten in their spiritual path and also will learn the powerful healing technique to heal themself.

Learn the new techniques of reiki treatment and healing with traditional and with Vedic science By Master Kalpesh Dave.

Kalpesh Dave.
(Life with Colours)


  1. hello dear, this not a advertise portal that you are doing publicity of your website on my website.. so please from next time not add your website link here... this just informative website.... i make you delete all time when u post i am really sorry for this...

  2. I m interested for learn reiki.
    Please call me on 9824665007.
    _ Rahul Sharma

    1. U can call me on 09819279752
      I will give u details when and where the batches are goin on. For booking u can also check out my workshops/ upcoming events
      Thanks and regards
      Kalpesh Dave

  3. I m interested for learn reiki.
    Please call me on 9824665007.
    - Rahul Sharma

  4. I m interested for learn reiki.
    Please call me on 9824665007.
    _ Rahul Sharma
