
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Chakra Affirmations for Self Esteem

Chakra Affirmations for Self Esteem

Below are some simple and effective positive affirmations for self esteem and chakra balance. Affirmations for healing are a powerful healing tool when used consistently.

The secret behind their power is you have to BELIEVE THEM! If you don't believe them at first, here's a trick for you:  
1.) Write up some positive affirmation cards with the positive affirmation quotes listed below. (or make up some of your own)
2.) Take a few minutes to lay down and relax. Have your note cards right there with you.
3.) Just as you feel yourself about to drift off, open your eyes and look at the positive affirmations on your cards. Flip through them.

If you want to know how to write affirmations specifically pertaining to yourself, just keep one important tip in mind: It is ESSENTIAL to refer to everything in the positive and in a present tense and present continues tense. In other words, you should never state "I am not sick", rather say "I am healthy". The statement "I am healthy" focuses on the word 'healthy' and therefore you manifest health. Pay attention to your dialogue from now on and observe how you speak. If you catch yourself speaking in the negative, re-state what you said in a positive manner. You will be amazed at how changing your dialect will change your life. 

Get creative! I am sure you can come up with some great affirmations for health, wealth and self esteem. Just keep it positive.

On with the list! Below are some positive thinking affirmations to get you started:

  • I am secure 
  • I am grounded 
  • I am strong 
  • I am prosperous 
  • I am healthy
  • I am balanced
  • I am well adjusted
  • I am creative
  • I am satisfied
  • I have a healthy health
  • I have a healthy relationship
  • I am loving       
  • I am warm hearted        
  • I am affectionate          
  • I am accepting  
  • I am forgiving   
  • I am tolerant     
  • I am compassionate       
  • I am peaceful   

  • I am expressive 
  • I am a good listener        
  • I am a good communicator          
  • I am eloquent   
  • I am calm
  • I am insightful   
  • I am thoughtful 
  • I am intuitive    
  • I am alert         
  • I am aware       
  • I am wise         
  • I am focused    
  • I am intelligent 
  • I am spiritual    
  • I am connected 
  • I am in tune      
  • I am divine       
  • I live in harmony           
  • I love my life

Friday, March 7, 2014

Stop Attracting Negativity Right Now

Stop Attracting Negativity Right Now

You're about to learn why you have bad luck and how to turn it into good luck and synchronicities.

Passing the Blame Creates Bad Luck 

I took a lot of "bad luck" hits and missed opportunities before I finally woke up to the fact that I was my own worst enemy. It finally dawned on me, like a sunrise, that I was the source of manifestation and success (and lack thereof) in my reality.
I'll say it again...absolute truth and no ambiguity. Just as you can manifest good things into your life, so too can you manifest bad things into your life. The mechanisms involved with manifestation work both ways. They operate on both the conscious and the unconscious levels.

Let me save you from a lot of wasted time and difficulty by spilling the beans and revealing one of the powerful tools I discovered for ending this negative death-spiral.

1)          Imagine that you are standing at the top of the highest mountain, safely and confidently looking down at the Earthly lands beneath your heroic gaze. Let your feeling spiral around and around as you radiate positive power and superhuman strength. Your sage wisdom and intelligence shines out through your heart and soul, and you are standing on top of the world. 
2)          If any passing doubt or uncertainty enters your mind, you immediately flush it out of your awareness and say "Good riddance!" 

3)          Hear your voice sing forth in a rich and resounding victory cheer, and let all of nature below you hear your cheerful cry. Your clarion call vibrates throughout all of creation and resonates into the hearts of everyone hearing you. 

4)          See your body shine a bright golden light out upon all of nature and creation. This special light permeates everything and you are in perfect harmony with existence. Let positive energy everywhere resonate with you and be attracted to you.

Lean Back, Relax, and Enjoy the Ride 

Once you start practicing this Tool EVERYDAY, you'll find that your confidence, energy levels, and power to attract and accept blessings into your life dramatically increases. At the same time, negativity will never get within a mile of you. Why? Because you are now emitting a shield of the highest quality energy - and only the highest quality people, places, things, and opportunities will be able to enter your bubble.
I've put together many life-changing, energy-enhancing tools like, as well as advice on practical countermeasures to deal with negative entity problems.

Practicing these Tools and mastering them is the first step to feeling good and being so attractive that new doors open for you ALL THE TIME. 

People will start to wonder what you've "got" that they don't have, and you can just smile and tell them to "Lean back, relax, and enjoy the ride."

Stop Attracting Negativity Right Now
Stop Attracting Negativity Right Now
Stop Attracting Negativity Right Now