
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Why Kundalini Awakening is Safe in Reiki?

Why Kundalini Awakening is Safe in Reiki?

Some of you who have read or known about Kundalini may have heard about the problems that Kundalini can cause. These problems are often referred to as the Kundalini Syndrome.

First, it is important to know why Kundalini awakening may be dangerous. This is because the Kundalini is a huge and unlimited power. While it lies dormant, there is a shell holding all of this power within. The conventional way of awakening the Kundalini is by stimulating the Kundalini so that the shell can be broken. The Kundalini energy will also be able to open the nearest knot of the chakra, the knot of the base chakra. However, there is still no passage for the energy to go through along the sushumna and each chakra along the sushumna has a knot blocking the sushumna. Meanwhile, the awakened Kundalini energy is released continuously. As there is no passage for the energy to be released, the amount of energy within the body builds up creating stronger pressure, pushing everywhere. When the Kundalini energy presses against the stomach, for example, one will get stomach problems, if it presses against the chest it creates chest problems, and so forth.

None of these problems will happen to a Reiki practitioner. The Reiki level one attunement prepares you properly for the Kundalini awakening by:
  • Opening your whole sushumna from the crown chakra (the top chakra) to the base chakra (the lowest chakra).
  • Opening all of the chakra knots along your sushumna.
  • Connecting you to the divine energy which automatically regulates the Kundalini energy within your body.
As the whole sushumna is already open and so are all the chakra knots along your sushumna, the freed Kundalini energy can be released easily from your crown chakra. Divine energy also envelops and regulates the Kundalini energy so that the Kundalini energy within your body is very safe. With Reiki, your Kundalini awakening will not give you pain, only bliss.