
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Reiki Attunement

Reiki Attunement

At birth you already had negativities and blockages within your energy channels and chakras because you were not pure. As you grow older, you accumulate more negativities and blockages as a result of the negative emotions you created and which were not cleansed. In Reiki, you will receive something called attunement, a process in which the Reiki master helps you to cleanse and open:

Reiki is easy to learn. Reiki is not learned in the normal sense. It is awakened within you through a Process of Attunement or Initiation. The central focus of each Level or Degree - involves a special energetic transfer technique whereby the Reiki Teacher (Master) essentially ‘re-patterns’ the student’s etheric field and subtle energy centers.

It does not require any conditions to be fulfilled so that a student may learn Reiki, just a sincere desire to help themselves and others by using Reiki. Belief in a religious system is not required to learn Reiki. It helps to be an active participant in the learning process. Reiki is passed on to a student when a Reiki Master transmits energy to the student through a series of attunements, also known as initiations.

An attunement is the process by which the Reiki Master passes on to the student the ability to channel Reiki energy or Universal energy. During this process your aura is cleared of any blocks so that the healing energies may flow through you. A change in the energy field around you (aura) occurs that opens, clears and connects you to the ability to use the Universal Energy. An attunement is permanent, it does not wear off and you can never lose it. After the attunement, whether you use the energy or not, you can channel Reiki Energy all your life.

Attunements allow people to open to use energies much faster than is possible without them. Attunements are not exclusive to Reiki, they are used in many other energy work systems. Your hands are healing hands after the attunement, use them gently with love and wisdom to heal yourself and the world.

There are many different methods for passing on attunements. This is natural because one can never teach exactly as one has been taught. There is no right or wrong method of initiation. Reiki is the same whichever way it is passed on, only the process is different. Each Master/Teacher of Reiki acts as a tool of the Divine and is respected as such.

  • Your crown chakra, the entry gate for the universal energy
  • Your palm chakras, the exit gates for the energy that allow you to channel energy to yourself or to others.
  • The whole sushumna so that the universe energy can flow throughout your whole body and all of your important internal organs.
  • All of the chakra knots along your sushumna enabling the energy to flow freely along your sushumna and into your chakras for cleansing.
  • Your heart chakra so that you will be connected more to your heart as the heart is the key to receive divine blessing. This allows you to channel the energy only by intention.
  • The energy channel between your sushumna and your palms so that the energy can flow out properly.
  • The connection to the earth energy so that you stay grounded while advancing spiritually.

Benefit of Reiki

 Benefit of Reiki

  • Maintains your health
  • Heals physical, mental, emotional and other non-physical problems
  • Improves your relaxation
  • Improves your state of meditation
  • Raises your awareness
  • Increases your energy
  • Protects you, others, and material properties
  • Cleanses the body, chakras and energy channels
  • Gives you a better understanding about the heart, Divine Source and the blessing of the Divine Source.
  • Enables you to be connected and to be within your heart to let the blessing of Divine Source work on you and through you
  • Promotes natural self-healing
  • Promotes spiritual growth
  • Heals holistically
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver
  • Aids in emotional cleansing
  • Promotes clarity of thought
  • Increases vitality and delays the ageing process
  • Helps overcome negative thoughts such as fear, anxiety, hatred and jealousy and aids positive thinking
  • Aids in recovery from surgery and soothes shock
  • Enhances meditation and creativity
  • Enhances personal awareness
  • Helps in removing addictions
  • Clears energy blocks and brings balance to the body
  • Aids better sleep
  • Relieves pain, clears toxins  

 Advantages of Reiki

  • Fast and easy to learn: only a few hours are needed to learn Reiki (1 day seminar)
  • Easy to practice: only by channeling energy
    • Simply by laying your hands
    • Increases the quality and the quantity of your energy
    • Cleanses your energy channels and your chakras
    • Negative energy does not contaminate you as the practitioner
    • Spreads and stops automatically—very safe for sensitive organs and babies
    • Practitioners can combine energy for a better result
  • Practitioners can combine energy for a better result
  • Strengthens your heart so you feel peace and calmness in your every day life
  • Brings you closer to Divine Source for your real spiritual goal.

Reiki Brings About in You

  • Honesty in your thoughts and actions.
  • Compassion for everyone, including yourself
  • Accepting personal responsibility and taking charge of one’s life
  • Learning to trust one’s inner guidance and intuition
  • The understanding that judgment and blame have no place in our lives
    Clarity of thoughts
  • Respecting others’ right to form their values and opinions
  • Having complete faith in the Supreme Power that most people call God
  • Using all experiences, negative and positive, to learn from and grow A heart full of love for everyone and yourself

    Reiki OM-Shakti

    Reiki OM-Shakti

    Reiki OM-SHAKTI is not about how to become a healer. On the contrary, in Reiki OM-SHAKTI you learn and realize that the best healer is always the Divine Source. In Reiki OM-SHAKTI you learn that the blessing of the Divine Source is the mightiest power. If you can just let this blessing work on you and through you, you will gain unlimited benefits. By having this understanding in energy channeling, you will then be able to let the blessing of the Divine Source help you in everything you need, not only in your daily life but also for your spiritual growth. In Reiki OM-SHAKTI, you will not simply hear or read about this, but as you work with your heart, you will have a chance to allow Divine Source to work through you. The heart is the only part of you that can really be connected to the Divine Source, receive the blessing of Divine Source and let the blessing of Divine Source work on you.

    So, although Reiki OM-SHAKTI is an energy channeling technique, the essence of Reiki OM-SHAKTI is not energy channeling. Reiki OM-SHAKTI is about:
    • Understanding more of the blessing of the Divine Source
    • Understanding more about your heart, as the heart is the key to your connection to the Divine Source
    • Being connected to your heart and being in your heart to be able to be connected to the Divine Source and to feel peace, calmness, joy and happiness in your daily life as heart is the key to attain this
    • Connected to your True Self in preparation for the real spiritual journey, as the real spiritual journey is about your True Self getting closer to the Divine Source (Source of the True Self)
    By practicing Reiki OM-SHAKTI not only can you expect to be healthier, able to channel energy to heal yourself and others, to have more peace,calmness, happiness and joy in your daily life, but also to progress spiritually by the way of the heart. First, you can be connected better to your heart. Then, you will be able to be within your heart in your daily life and achieve real understanding from the heart about the Divine Source and the blessing of the Divine Source. This enables you to receive the blessing of the Divine Source as the mightiest power to help you to progress unlimited.


                                            Before Attunement              After Attunement

    In the two Kirlian photos above of a person's fingertips before and after the attunement, you can clearly see the differences. The energy around the person who has received the first degree attunement becomes thicker and improves in quality (brighter). Thus, not only will the practitioner be energetic by having more vital energy, but will also tend to be healthier as the protective layer is much thicker and stronger.

    If you consider yourself to be someone who:
    • Wants to be healthier.
    • Wants to have more peace, calmness, happiness and joy in your daily life.
    • Wants to be able to channel energy to heal yourself and/or others.
    • Wants to be closer to the Divine Source by connecting your heart.
    • Wants to progress spiritually.

    You can gain many benefits from Reiki OM-SHAKTI.
    Reiki OM-SHAKTI consists of Japanese and Tibetan words. You already know that Reiki consists of two Japanese words that mean vital energy from the universe. OM-SHAKTI is a Tibetan word which means inner fire and refers to the Kundalini. If you have read some advanced yoga books, then you have certainly read about Kundalini. Kundalini is a natural power within every human that normally lies dormant. You need this special energy to advance spiritually and attain higher achievements in your spiritual development (Please read the Kundalini section for more information about Kundalini). So, Reiki OM-SHAKTI actually deals with both Reiki (universal energy) and OM-SHAKTI (Kundalini energy), giving you as a practitioner the chance to grow very rapidly with the synergy of these two powerful energies.

    An important step for spiritual growth is cleansing. If you are only using the universal energy for cleansing, the energy will cleanse from the top down as divine energy starts flowing into your body from the crown chakra. However, as you still have blockages, there will be less and less universal energy that can reach the lower part of your body. It will take years before the universal energy can do a complete cleansing on the lowest chakra, the base chakra. On the other hand, if you are only relying on the Kundalini energy, as the center of the Kundalini energy is your perineum, located between your rectum and your sexual organ at the level of your lowest major chakra, the cleansing will occur from the bottom up. And similar to what happens in the cleansing with universal energy, it will take many years before the Kundalini energy can do a complete cleansing on the crown chakra. However, working with Reiki OM-SHAKTI, these two very powerful energies will work in synergy giving you the simultaneous and thorough cleansing and all of your main chakras. Thus, you can get all of your main chakras cleansed in a very short time compared to using only universal energy or Kundalini energy.

    The attunement of Reiki OM-SHAKTI is also very special as it connects you to Divine energy, the earth core, and your heart. The attunement also opens your heart chakra, the knots of all of your chakras on your sushumna, and your whole sushumna from the crown chakra all the way to your base chakra. Your energy channel and your palm chakras are also opened to enable you to channel energy.