
Friday, May 31, 2013



There are many, many ways to meditate. Most schools of meditation and self-healing suggest that in order to gain the most benefits from these self-improvement techniques is to work with the body's chakras.

What is a chakra? A chakra is an energy point or energy center (called a vortex). Each vortex regulates certain portions of the body. When these vortexes are out of sync the body reflects this by becoming ill or decayed.

The method of meditation I find works best for myself and for the people. You can take this method and adapt it to your own needs and special requirements, but I find it to be the easiest and least complex.

Each chakra is "seen" to be represented by a different color. I will also include the color of each.

First let us go over the 7 chakras:

Crown of the head - white

Forehead-third eye - purple

Throat - azure or sky blue

Heart - either green or pink

Navel - yellow, like warm sunshine

Below navel, between navel and groin - orange

Groin area - crimson red

Extremeties (hands and feet) - white

Opening and working with chakras takes a bit of practice. But is is worth the effort. Believe me on this! When you are ready to open the chakras, select a location where you can either sit or lie down comfortably and where you will not be interrupted for at least an hour. Wear comfortable clothing - not pajamas! (You'll fool your body into thinking you're going to sleep!) 

Begin by breathing regularly and evenly. Take several deep breaths. Begin by relaxing your toes, your ankles, your legs. Relax your hips, your shoulders, your neck. Relax your arms and your hands. This is the time that your body will start the twinge-tingle dance (as I call it) It'll twinge and tingle and itch. Try to ignore this. This is just your body's way of telling you it's not used to relaxing. Soon enough it will become accustomed to it.

Now is the time that you will use your visualization skills. Imagine that your are a fountain of light or a waterfall. See how the water or the light starts at the top of your head and covers your chest and eventually covers your whole body. See how you become a living ball of light. This should be the first and only exercise you attempt. Do not be disappointed if this image does not come immediately. Ideally you should practice this for about one week.

Once you have pretty much gotten the waterfall effect down, you are ready for the next step.

Perform your relaxation technique. This time you will follow up the fountain/waterfall exercise by opening up your chakras.

Begin at the top/crown of your head. See a white light that emanates from this area. Spin downward and toward your forehead, where your third eye is. See it's purple light rotate and bloom much like a flower. Continue downward to the throat chakra, where a beautiful azure blue blooms and spins. Go now to your heart chakra. Here you may see either a green light or a warm pink ball. Either way, see how it glows and spins. You should notice how all the colors are now merging, almost into a rainbow effect. Move down to your navel, where a bright yellow glow will spin and join the other colors. Below the navel, above the groin, find your next chakra, a warm orange. It spins and blooms. Finally the last chakra, at the groin area, a deep crimson red. See it glow, spin and join the other colors. Your fingers and toes will glow a white light. They too will join the rainbow effect.

When you are finished and are ready to close your chakras, imagine a large zipper the length of your body. You must close the zipper in order to close the chakras. Never leave the chakras open. Take several deep breaths and open your eyes.

Check how you feel. Do you feel energized or tired? Did you have problems visualizing the colors and the fountain of light? If you did, not to worry. You might need a little more practice. However, if you consistently fail in visualizing or are falling asleep during the meditation, check for possible causes. Are you meditating when you are very tired? Is the lighting too harsh? (use soft lighting, candlelight is excellent) Use soft music, classics or "new age" like Enya or Enigma. Are you being interrupted? Is there a lot of noise out on the street? If your problem is visualizing, don't despair. Every person who learned meditation experienced this. Practice.

Once you have mastered this technique, you will find it is an excellent technique that can be combined with magickal workings.

I'd like to share a personal tidbit, which I have used for years and tell everybody I know:

If you are ill, head cold, chest cold, sore throat, fever, tooth ache, etc, open the affected chakra. (if you are suffering from a head cold, open that chakra) Imagine a black ball floating upward from your feet to the "sick" area. Let the black ball sit over the affected chakra while it draws out the illness. You will see that the color of the chakra may be off or even spotted with black dots. This black ball will serve as a vaccumm or sweeper to eliminate these spots. You can see as the ball works the color of the chrakra begins returning to normal. Try it!

Self Healing

Self Healing

No doctor, no drug, no object has ever truly healed anyone. They can only assist if they act in harmony with the Laws of Nature.

Our mind body system is designed to HEAL ITSELF. All we need to do is to REMOVE OBSTACLES from the body and from the mind. This can be accomplished with or without the help of others.

If you cut your finger with a sharp object, the wound HEALS ITSELF and if the damage is not extensive, the repair job is SO perfect, that after a few weeks you cannot even remember which finger was hurt. Even the fingerprints are reconstructed.

Of course self-healing is not limited to scratches and bruises. Exactly the same self-healing processes occur ALL THE TIME in ALL POSSIBLE organs of the body.

Even if we abuse our body, it tries to heal itself, unless the damage is extensive and we continue doing mistakes for years. Severe illnesses are largely result of our complete ignorance on both: the physical level (diet, poisoning, lifestyle) as well as on the mental level (bad mental hygiene and discipline, wrong understanding of purpose of life). Pain and suffering are just signals to our conscious mind that we have to CHANGE our ways. When we do, in the right direction, we "miraculously" recover. When we follow the flock, and resist Nature, we suffer. This is the law of Nature.

The mind-body system has almost unlimited self repair capabilities, but most of people deny themselves any access to them.

The biggest mistake you can make is to ACCEPT someone's "advice" that your condition is incurable. If you accept such an advice, your fear effectively SABOTAGES the self-healing process, which is under complete control of your consciousness on all levels, including the subconscious functioning of your body and mind. Fear blocks any logic, dramatically reducing your own self healing ability.

There is nothing the Universe to be afraid of, except our own ignorance and its consequences. Unfortunately most people doubt everyone and everything, except their own ignorance.