
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Affirmation for Prosperity

Affirmation for Prosperity

  • “I am allowing prosperity to flow into my life, and I am graciously receiving it. Through the power of my thought and words, positive changes are happening in me and in my life now.”

  • “I am a money magnet, and prosperity of all kinds is drawn to me. I sow positive energy and I reap abundance. I always have plenty of money. My bank account grows everyday and I am grateful.”

  • “I awake each morning excited to pursue my passion which provides generous financial prosperity. I am now easily and effortlessly attracting unlimited financial prosperity and abundance into every aspect of my life.”

  • “My path is clear and full of wonder; my world is wide and limitless. I choose happiness, peace, prosperity, security and wisdom. I thank the Infinite for the miracles occurring in my life at this moment.”

  • “I am open and receptive to all the love, happiness, success, and prosperity that this year will bring. I am now experiencing miracles of love, prosperity, and happiness every day!”

  • “Since the Law of Attraction will bring the object of my attention, I choose abundance, wealth, happiness and prosperity. I am creating my dreams and I am financially free!”

  • “I now magnetize from the sun, moon, stars and the entire Universe into my Magic Magnetic Circle peace, joy, love, health, happiness and prosperity to myself, which extends to everyone I meet. Thank you, thank you and thank you…”
  • “I am a Divine idea in the mind of God, and I am now guided into my true place with the true people and with the true Prosperity.”

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