
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How to See Auras?

How to See Auras?

Before we get into teaching you how to see auras, let's start by getting a good working definition of what an aura actually is.

The definition of auras varies depending on who you ask. Some believe the aura does not exist, while others believe auras are almost a window into a person’s soul or heart. Many might say that unless you know how to see auras, it really does not matter what other people think they look like, but that is not 100% true, because many people that cannot physically see auras with their eyes, can feel the colours within an aura as it touches their body.

So if you are have problems learning to see auras, trying learning how to feel colours instead.

From the American Heritage Dictionary:
A distinctive but intangible quality that seems to surround a person or thing; atmosphere

From the Free Dictionary:
In parapsychology, an emanation surrounding the human body, particularly the head. The aura is said to be visible to clairvoyants and other similarly psychic individuals. It is believed to be the prototype of the halo.

The aura has been described as a misty light, shot with colours that change according to mood and circumstances. The term is more often used figuratively.

But those are just definitions. What are we actually seeing when we see an aura? Most agree there are at least two distinct parts to an aura. Both are emanations of the electronic energy our body runs off of, but part of it is from the electricity used by our bodies, and the other part is from the electricity used by our brains.

The body part of the auras electronic field is what allows those sensitive to the energies to be able know where illness or injury resides in the body while the brain portion is what allows those sensitive to the energies to know our emotions, creativity, intentions, etc., etc.

What does an aura look like?

An aura is an emanation of energy and is usually seen as a "glow" of energy extending out from the body. The intensity can vary from barely visible to brightly coloured and can extend outward from the body anywhere from a couple of inches up to a foot or more. This however is just the visible part. Many believe that our auras allow us to stay connected to all the other energies around us and that various psychic signals are picked up via the aura and sent to the brain to be processed as the sights and sounds we psychically receive.

An aura can range from almost pure white to virtually any colour you can imagine. Sometimes an aura will be a solid colour, but more often than not, there are spots, swirls, or slashes of other colours within the main colour of the aura.

The main concentration of colour tends to be around the head and shoulders and often this is the first place a beginner is able to see an aura. However, the entire body is surrounded by an aura and with time you can learn to see all of it.

Why so much Variations in Auras?

Remember what I said about auras being an emanation of energy? Different people have different energy levels so of course there would be variations in the size of their auras, but it goes beyond just a person’s normal energy level. Sickness can change a person’s energy level and aura. Being excited can make a change. Almost any emotion can change the strength and/or colour of an aura.

Some people believe that when we have advanced far enough in our evolution, we will be able to know and understand the mood someone is in and whether or not a person is lying, just by looking at their aura. On the surface, that sounds like a wonderful thing, but is it really? Do you truly want everyone to know every time you tell a little white lie? But that is another story for another time.

To Look or Not to Look

Without going into a lot of detail on how the eye works, an over simplistic description follows.

When we look at an object, we use a specific portion of the retina. Over time that main portion of the retina becomes damaged from all the various sources of light that we look at on a regular basis. This is why younger people tend to more easily see auras than older persons, because their retinas are not as damaged.

Plus, in time our eyes become trained to see in specific ways. We expect to see all the normal everyday things we see on a regular basis and our vision is not adjusted to see anything else. Again, as we get older, this becomes more set making it harder to learn, but not impossible.

For those reasons, in most people it is best to use your Peripheral vision to look at an object to see it's aura. But notice I said for "most" people, it is best for some, not all. Like everything else in life, everyone is different, so only you can determine if it is better to use your normal vision or your peripheral vision.

I suggest you try it according to the following instructions. If after several tries, you have not learned how to see auras, try adjusting where in your frame of vision the object is at.

Most people can see anything that is within the field of vision that is roughly between point a and point b in the picture below. Some people can see a little beyond those two points and others cannot see that far, but unless a person suffers with some sort of eye problems, this is a reasonable estimate.


When we look at something with our normal vision, we usually move our heads so the object we are looking at is directly between our eyes, in the center of our field of vision because this is where we have the best view of the object.

The part of our vision starting directly to the left or right of center, and moving all the way to the furthers point at a or b is called the peripheral vision and for most people the further away from absolute center we go, the worse our vision becomes.

But saying the worse our vision becomes is not a completely true statement. It is true when we are speaking of looking at solid objects in our normal world. But an aura is not a solid object, it is a collection of energy and we humans cannot see energy with our normal way of looking.

Yet our bodies are designed to be able to see this energy. To do so requires you to look at a person or object, not with the main part of your vision (see c in the photo) but with our peripheral vision.

To do this, put the object in the c position in front of you, looking straight at it. Then keep your eyes looking straight out from your head and turn your head slightly to one side till the object is in one of the many d positions.

Anywhere between (a and c) and (c and b) is a d position. There are an unlimited number of d positions. Keep your eyes focused straight out in front of you. You will still be able to see the object in your peripheral vision and it is within these positions you will begin to learn how to see auras.

Try not to start and do not allow your vision to look directly at the object or person. Relax your eyes and if need be, allow them to unfocused. Soon you will start to see movement or colour around the object/person. Just keep your eyes relaxed and prevent your vision from focusing on the object/person and when you find the right combination of all of the above, you will see an aura.

Tips on how to see auras

When you are just beginning to learn how to see auras, it is best to try with a person simply because their auric field tends to be stronger than an object. It is also best to have the person stand in front of a solid white wall if possible. This helps make the auric field show up easier than if it was showing over a coloured background.

That is it for this lesson on how to see auras. I hope you have enjoyed the lesson and remember to practice often because practice makes perfect.