Sunday, February 9, 2025

Reiki Classes, Reiki Courses, Reiki Healing and Training Center in Mumbai, Vadodara, Sirohi, India

Reiki Courses and Classes ( Charges / Fees ) 

I live in Mumbai, India. I conduct in-person Reiki Training and Healing and also do Distance Attunements and Healing. I teach Reiki I, II, III,  Master Level IV and Usui Grand Master Reiki Levels V and VI. I do Intuitive Readings, Chakra Clearing and Balancing, Dowsing, Energy Clearing of homes, work-places. I am a Clairvoyant and offer Spiritual Guidance. 
Reiki Course Level 1 :
You will receive one attunement that will attune you to Reiki, an emailed manual and certificate. I can also send you a certificate by postal mail if you wish. The certificate sent by postal mail will have an extra charge to cover the shipping charges***.

For the attunement with emailed manual and certificate, click here

Reiki Course Level 2 :
You will receive one attunement that will attune you to the sacred symbols of Reiki, an emailed manual and certificate. I can also send you a certificate by postal mail if you wish. This will have an extra charge to cover the shipping charges***.

For the attunement with emailed manual and certificate, click here.

Reiki Teacher Course Level 3 :
You will receive one attunement that will attune you to the Master Symbol of energy, you will receive more extra symbols and learn some basic about crystals healing, an emailed manual and certificate. I can also send you a certificate by postal mail if you wish. This will have an extra charge to cover the shipping charges***.

For the attunement with emailed manual and certificate,click here

Reiki Mastership Course Level 4 : 
You will receive one attunement that will attune you to the higher bands of energy and will empower you to attune others to the traditional 1, 2, 3 and 4 levels of Reiki, an emailed manual and certificate. I can also send you a certificate by postal mail if you wish. This will have an extra charge to cover the shipping charges***.

For the attunement with emailed manual and certificate, click here.

Usui Grand Master Reiki Course Levels V and VI :
You will receive 2 attunements back to back, that will attune you to the highest bands of energy and will empower you to attune others to the Grand Master levels of Reiki, an emailed manual and certificate. This is the final degree in Reiki levels, and a person attuned to this level is called a Reiki Grandmaster. A Grandmaster can attune others to any degree in Reiki, including Grandmaster-ship. As with mastership, this degree is also often offered by the teacher and not asked for.

A person studying to be grandmaster will also need to assist his/ her teacher to learn how others are taught different levels, and the number of days for this is not fixed. 

I can also send you a certificate by postal mail if you wish. This will have an extra charge to cover the shipping charges.***

For the attunement with emailed manual and certificate, click here.

Note : ***
I can also send you a certificate by postal mail if you wish. This will have an extra charge to cover the shipping charges.***


  1. Hi,

    Where in Mumbai do you conduct classes??

  2. Hi, can you give rekhi to pregnant women ??

  3. guruji pranaam...
    m shailesh chakravarti from bhopal mp.
    i know about,i have to come mumbai to learn reiki?
    is there in ur aashram/center accommodation facilities available for learner way from mumbai?
    n complete fee will? for (first+sec+third+fourth level reiki)

    i wanna learn reiki guruji,plz reply m waiting....have a nice day

    1. for more details on reiki request you to visit to my link:

      total fees is Rs. 56,000/-

      I am teaching and conducting the class from my own house. so if u plan for learning in mumbai then you need to arrange the accommodation by your own self.

      before you learn the all the levels i request you send me your photo as that i can ask to the reiki energy for the same....

  4. Hi Sir
    Do u charge fees according to levels or at a strech in advance
    Also I would like to know how much practice is needed for learning levels higher than 2 ? I mean do we need to practice as level 2 for some period of time ?
    Thank u Sir

  5. Hello Mam, I would want to learn all levels of Reiki but as you have mentioned in your reply to someone above that you stay conduct classes in your own house at Borivili, travelling would be an issue for me to do. I stay in Navi Mumbai. Is there any other branch or classes for Reiki you or someone you suggest teach near Navi Mumbai?

    1. I only conduct the classes in Borivali (Mumbai). I don't have any other Branch or center near navi Mumbai. Thanks and regards,
      Kalpesh dave
