
Wednesday, April 13, 2011



Reiki - A Life Force Energy Certificates of Completion are awarded for the successful completion of each Reiki course. The certificates show that you have learnt the appropriate techniques and have received the necessary Reiki attunements. A Reiki certificate is awarded at the completion of each of the Reiki courses, so that you can be awarded a First Degree, Second Degree, Third Degree, Master Degree Usui Grand Master Degree and Lineage Certificate.

Each Reiki Certificate is printed in full color on special paper and is personalized with your name, the title of your course, the date and location at which you achieved your Reiki certification. Each certificate is individually signed by me. 

I live in Mumbai, India. I conduct in-person Reiki Training and healing and also do Distance Attunements and Healing. I teach Reiki I, II, III,  Master Levels IV and Usui Grand Master Level V and VI. I do Intuitive Readings, Chakra Clearing and Balancing, Dowsing, Energy Clearing of homes, work-places. I am a Clairvoyant and offer Spiritual Guidance. You can phone or email me. The details are in the ‘Contact Me’ page. 

Reiki Courses for Distance

Reiki Courses

The courses are ongoing and held on week days and weekends. If you’d like to learn Reiki in person, email me or contact me on the phone. The details are in the “Contact Me” page. I take classes personally one on one in Mumbai, India.

The course will cover the topics of the course you have registered for, such as, Reiki Level 1, Reiki Level 2, Reiki Level 3Reiki Mastership IV and Usui Grand Master V and VI. You will also learn about Chakras, Auras and Colors. You will learn how to use the phenomenon called Reiki as a natural means of healing system. You will learn to improve your health with simple yet very effective and powerful techniques. Once you have been attuned into Reiki, you can help others using Reiki. You will be presented with the Reiki Certificate which will enable you to practice Reiki and to teach, if you have completed the Mastership Level (Reiki Level IV).

You can receive distant attunements which are exactly the same as having the attunement in person. For more details you can contact me at
If you live in India, then you need to call me for the duration of the course, which will last for approximately 2 hours. You will receive a distant attunement for the course you registered. 

We can set up a mutually comfortable time for the class.

If you live abroad, I can call you on Skype. I’m available on Skype, and if you have Skype, that’ll be great !  Or Yahoo Messanger will also work.

What is a Reiki Master?

What is a Reiki Master? 
In Reiki, Master means teacher. A Master has taken the responsibility to help others on their path. A Reiki Master has chosen to walk the path of healing and has made a commitment to show others how to heal themselves and others by showing them the way. It is not a designation to be used for ego inflation. A Reiki Master is one who is able to stay in his or her own energy and not interfere with the path of another being.

It is not an absolute requirement to teach after taking the Master/Teacher Level. Although this is fundamentally the objective for this level, however, it is not necessary that you must teach. Very often students only want to increase their knowledge base or to enhance their healing abilities.

Whatever your motives are for wishing to advance to the Reiki Master/Teacher Level, know that they are respected and I am sure will certainly be the right choice for you.

To be a Reiki Master/Teacher requires more than just receiving a certificate - it requires you to remain dedicated to your values and principles. Your knowledge, experience, understanding and compassion are assets unique to you and thus very valuable. Showing wisdom and compassion to every living thing is the very first step in becoming a great healer and teacher. To be an effective teacher you must realize that teaching doesn't stop once the workshop is over - you should be willing to remain available to your students if they require additional assistance or guidance.

"Nature provides with plenty, but never to waste" Takata sensei

The main focus for a Reiki Master is about seriously and consciously committing yourself to living a balanced lifestyle and also maintaining spiritual discipline. A Reiki Master always respects the earth and nature and is sensitive to beauty in all forms. A Master maintains a moderation in all their activities. The Reiki Level 3 attunement opens your heart and you begin to feel unconditional love and compassion for all things. Being a Master is all about serving others with love, of course, with permission!

Qualities of a true Master :
  • A Master never judges, is always impersonal, detached and yet compassionate.
  • A Master has great understanding of the Cosmic Laws and he/she has  the ability to recognize the causal effect in others.
  • A Master is egoless and also never flatters the human ego.
  • A Master spends a considerable amount of time and effort on personal spiritual growth.
  • A Master never makes you feel bad or guilty about yourself, on the contrary, he/she helps you build self-esteem and courage.
  • A Master almost never speaks of his/her background or himself/herself   unless useful in the conveyance of spiritual teachings to others.
  • A Master is universal and secular in his attitudes. He/she sees all men as an expression of the Supreme, regardless of their religion, their color, race, etc.
  • Masters do not argue. They know that a believer does not need explanations and for a non-believer none will suffice.
  • A Master never judges the outer personality of others but looks into their soul for value.
  • A Master is always detached, impersonal and aloof, but his/her heart is full of love for everyone.
  • A Master appreciates and is grateful to the Divine One for even the smallest of services that is offered to him/her.
  • A true Master concentrates upon raising the consciousness, improving character, spirituality, and increasing the wisdom and the understanding of his students.
  • True Masters are humble and are aware that they still have many things   to master and learn. They know that they are still undergoing the learning process.
Dear new Masters, after the successful completion of the Reiki Master/Teacher Level it must seem impossible to go about changing, healing or teaching masses of people all at once, but remember, as with everything, its one step at a time. Each time you are able to make a positive difference in just one person's life by sincerely sharing your accumulated knowledge and wisdom, then as a Reiki Master/Teacher, you are performing a miraculous service. Reiki is a marvelous benefit you can offer to humanity, the planet and to the universe! Please do send healing to the Earth everyday so that it becomes forever peaceful and beautiful!

"To truly become more effective Reiki healers, we should not focus on developing our breathing, we should focus on developing our compassion" - Kenji Hamamoto.