
Monday, November 10, 2014

Reiki Principles

Reiki Principles

The Secret Method
Of inviting Blessings
The Spiritual Medicine
Of many illnesses

Just for today
Don’t get angry
Don’t worry
Be grateful
Work hard
Be kind to others

Mornings and evenings
Sit in the gassho position
And repeat these words
Out loud and in your heart
For the improvement
Of Body and Soul…

Usui hoped that all Reiki practitioners would spend a few moments each morning and evening to reflect on these principles. Practitioners who do this may find that it becomes easier to live up to the principles and have a happier and more balanced life.

Expanding on the Principles:
Don’t get angry 
Anger results from a feeling of being out of control. We become angry when our expectations are not met.

This does not mean to keep anger bottled up, suppressed inside or to pretend that it isn’t there. This principle just means do not let anger consume you. When anger rises, watch the emotion closely and you will feel it dissolving into nothing.

Don’t worry
Each day must be lived to the best of our abilities. And leave the rest to the universal energy. Try to find a solution to your problem. If you find a solution, you don’t have a problem to deal with anymore. And if you don’t, leave it to the universal energies. Worry is not a solution to any problem. You must learn to trust the universe and become open to experience yourself as part of a safe and loving universe.

Be grateful
Having appreciation and gratitude for the blessings you have received is a way of attracting more blessings into your life. Cultivating an attitude of feeling blessed is the path to joy and happiness. It means giving thanks for whatever you have received and will receive.

Work hard
This is not just work or job related. You have to be honest with yourself first to see the truth in all things. Then you can see that your experiences are lessons that you need to learn from to become spiritually whole. Living with integrity in your relationships, in your work and in your everyday situations will help you create harmony around you.

Be kind to others
We are all part of an interconnected whole. Each person, animal and mineral is included in the whole, only we each have different levels of vibration. When we are grateful for our life and have patience with a heart full of love, we will naturally be kind.

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