Friday, March 14, 2025

Reiki - A Life Force Energy


Reiki: An Introduction, History, and Description

Reiki is an old art of healing.
This technique uses the Universal Life Energy to initiate healing from within. Its direct effects include reducing stress and promoting relaxation. It can also help a person get in touch with the inner self, which is essential for personal improvement.

Several religions and movements believe that the Universal Life Energy sustains this world. Reiki is one of them. Reiki practitioners connect to this tremendous energy using symbols. After this connection is established, self-healing.

Reiki History
Reiki is believed to be developed and established in Japan by Dr. Mikao Usui. He discovered Reiki and single-handedly created a movement to support it. He was able to create a large group of followers, making his system popular around the world. He was succeeded by other presidents who have continued the practice and teachings of Reiki after his death.

Dr. Mikao Usui was referred to as Usui Sensei by his students. His Reiki system, called the Usui Reiki, was founded after he attended Isyu Guo, a 21-day training course of meditation.
Dr. Usui went to the high-energy areas of Mt. Kurama to meditate, fast, pray, and chant. Incidentally, the holy mountain had a waterfall where he would stand and allow water to flow over his head. It is said that this successfully activated his crown chakra.

After twenty one days of training at Mt. Kurama, Dr. Usui received the power of Reiki - a gift that allowed him to heal himself and others without using any of his own energy.

There are some speculations that Reiki might have originated from either Buddhist or Tibetan healing practices. However, no distinct relations have yet been found to prove this. Reiki masters believe that Reiki is neutral in its form and can exist independent of any religions and affiliations. Right now, the concept of Reiki had spread in the West, as well as all over the world. More and more people are experiencing the goodness that Reiki can bring in terms of freeing the spirit and getting in touch with the soul.

Reiki - A Way To Connect With The Life's Supreme Energy

In its most general definition, Reiki is the process of using life's infinite energy source to bring out the best in you. With proper training and application, it can intensify your abilities, show you your true self, and allow you to improve your body and spirit.

Reiki opens the path towards total relaxation. It allows you to rest and keep your spirit still, even amidst the tumultuous world around you. It proposes a method to connect with the life's supreme energy - the core of the Universal Life Energy that is free flowing, limitless, and enriching.

Reiki offers total healing of the body, the spirit, the mind, and the emotions. It initiates the feeling of security, peace, and wellness inside and out. It can improve your current state, as it has the power to heal both your physical and spiritual concerns. Maladies, illnesses, and diseases can be treated with Reiki in the same way that it can address depression, anxiety, stress, and panic.

There Three Traditional Degrees in Reiki Training

Reiki is the ancient art of healing through the use of energy. Reiki can be learned, practiced, and taught in different degrees. Generally, this movement is divided into three major categories, with each one in a higher level than the other.

The major divisions of Reiki training are simply referred to as first, second, and third degree Reiki levels.

First Degree Reiki

Reiki first degree is focused on teaching a student everything they have to know about the art of Reiki. Here, you will be taught what Reiki really means and what it can do for you. It is the time where masters will give their students an in-depth description about the Reiki. This includes where it came from, how to give it, and the proper way of using it. After all the concepts are taught as well as the mental, emotional, and physical natures of the student are thoroughly prepared, hands-on practice will take place.

Upon completion of the first degree Reiki training, a student will know how to use the Reiki energy for self-healing. This same energy can also be channeled to help other people, more specifically their friends and family. First degree Reiki can also stimulate personal and spiritual growth in a person.

This level is for people who simply want to discover what Reiki is. It is also for those who would like to learn how to heal themselves and others. After this level, you will be able to elevate your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical state. It can effectively prevent illness in your family, as well as allowing you to heal through massage and physiotherapy.

Second Degree Reiki

Second degree Reiki leads you to the deeper understanding of the ancient method of Reiki healing. Here, you won't just be able to heal diseases right on. You will be able to transcend time and space with your healing powers as well. You will also be introduced to the sacred symbols of Reiki at this level, which you can use to develop your awareness of self, healing others, and helping them with their lives as much as you improve yours.

During the second level of Reiki training, the flow of Reiki energy within you intensifies. You can further enhance your abilities through the use of the great Reiki symbols bestowed upon you. Distance healing or planetary healing becomes possible. As such, you can possibly heal another person even if they are ten thousand miles away from you. Furthermore, you will be able to improve your self-healing abilities as well as your spiritual and personal growth. You may be qualified to practice Reiki on others after the second degree of Reiki training.

Third Degree Reiki

The third degree of Reiki training is sometimes divided into two subgroups. The first group is the training where you become a Reiki master capable of teaching Reiki students. The second group is focused on merely improving yourself, with no training to be a teacher.

Third degree Reiki is only for the people who wish to further develop themselves into a Reiki Master. Here, they will have access to all the Reiki Master symbols and are allowed to perform attunement process on others. More complex healing cycles will be taught at this level, with the aim of expanding your Reiki influence.
The end goal of this last level of training is to make you a Reiki Master who can initiate, teach, and train others into the art of Reiki.

Why Should I Learn Reiki.?

The best reason to get Reiki is because IT FEELS GREAT!

Those who use Reiki regularly often find they are more joyful, lively and their own in-built energy is enhanced-almost as if their batteries had been fully charged! Existing conflicts within the person are broken down and there is a greater vitality, leading to relaxation and a stimulation of the body.

Reiki restores and balances one’s physical, mental, and emotional energies. It puts one’s physical body in the best condition to promote healing. When people are anxious, Reiki relaxes them. When they are in pain, Reiki can reduce or eliminate it. When people are emotionally upset, Reiki can calm them and balance their emotions so that they can see their situation and problems more clearly.

Reiki energy can be used for physical problems, mental or emotional conditions.

So why you are waiting for...? Get Attuned and make your life happy and healthy.

For More Details About Reiki and Healing Meditation visit to Reiki - A Life Force Energy

And if you are interested more towards the Kundalini  Awaken then visit to Kundalini Mediation

" Get Reiki Certificate "

By Master Kalpesh Dave.

Reiki classes, courses and training centre in vadodara, gujarat

Life with Colours Opening New Branch of Reiki Training Centre in Vadodara city to enlighten the people. Now there the people will get the right knowledge and technique to get enlighten in their spiritual path and also will learn the powerful healing technique to heal themself.

Learn the new techniques of reiki treatment and healing with traditional and with Vedic science By Master Kalpesh Dave.

Kalpesh Dave.
(Life with Colours)

Reiki Classes, Reiki Courses, Reiki Healing and Training Center in Mumbai, Vadodara, Sirohi, India

Reiki Courses and Classes ( Charges / Fees ) 

I live in Mumbai, India. I conduct in-person Reiki Training and Healing and also do Distance Attunements and Healing. I teach Reiki I, II, III,  Master Level IV and Usui Grand Master Reiki Levels V and VI. I do Intuitive Readings, Chakra Clearing and Balancing, Dowsing, Energy Clearing of homes, work-places. I am a Clairvoyant and offer Spiritual Guidance. 
Reiki Course Level 1 :
You will receive one attunement that will attune you to Reiki, an emailed manual and certificate. I can also send you a certificate by postal mail if you wish. The certificate sent by postal mail will have an extra charge to cover the shipping charges***.

For the attunement with emailed manual and certificate, click here

Reiki Course Level 2 :
You will receive one attunement that will attune you to the sacred symbols of Reiki, an emailed manual and certificate. I can also send you a certificate by postal mail if you wish. This will have an extra charge to cover the shipping charges***.

For the attunement with emailed manual and certificate, click here.

Reiki Teacher Course Level 3 :
You will receive one attunement that will attune you to the Master Symbol of energy, you will receive more extra symbols and learn some basic about crystals healing, an emailed manual and certificate. I can also send you a certificate by postal mail if you wish. This will have an extra charge to cover the shipping charges***.

For the attunement with emailed manual and certificate,click here

Reiki Mastership Course Level 4 : 
You will receive one attunement that will attune you to the higher bands of energy and will empower you to attune others to the traditional 1, 2, 3 and 4 levels of Reiki, an emailed manual and certificate. I can also send you a certificate by postal mail if you wish. This will have an extra charge to cover the shipping charges***.

For the attunement with emailed manual and certificate, click here.

Usui Grand Master Reiki Course Levels V and VI :
You will receive 2 attunements back to back, that will attune you to the highest bands of energy and will empower you to attune others to the Grand Master levels of Reiki, an emailed manual and certificate. This is the final degree in Reiki levels, and a person attuned to this level is called a Reiki Grandmaster. A Grandmaster can attune others to any degree in Reiki, including Grandmaster-ship. As with mastership, this degree is also often offered by the teacher and not asked for.

A person studying to be grandmaster will also need to assist his/ her teacher to learn how others are taught different levels, and the number of days for this is not fixed. 

I can also send you a certificate by postal mail if you wish. This will have an extra charge to cover the shipping charges.***

For the attunement with emailed manual and certificate, click here.

Note : ***
I can also send you a certificate by postal mail if you wish. This will have an extra charge to cover the shipping charges.***

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

How to heal Chakras for Different Purposes

How to heal chakras for different purpose


For Job and career 

Need to heal chakras
1.) Root - if fear is their and to bring stability.
2.) Solar - for career skill development and to clear the path to gain success
3.) Throat - to bring great communication skill power with customer and in office
4.) Third eye - to bring focus, stable mind and belief on us.

For Business

Need to heal chakras
1.) Root - to remove fear and to gain stability
2.) Solar - for skill development and to clear the path with growth of skill understanding
3.) Heart - to get emotionally balance so get you won't think from heart and get fool.
4.) Throat - for improving communication skill with customers
3.) Third eye - to bring focus, stable mind and belief on us.

For education

Need to heal chakras
1.) Root - to remove fear and to gain stability
2.) Solar - for skill development and to boost frequency in studies need skills
3.) Heart - to get stable with emotion free
4.) Throat - for improving knowledge to understand (hear and to speak well in class)
3.) Third eye - to bring focus, stable mind and belief on us.

For Self Love/self belief 

Need to heal chakras
1.) Root - to remove fear and to gain stability
3.) Heart - to get stable with emotion free and to heal with pink light to spread love for self (in whole aura and body feel pink light)
4.) Throat - to express your feeling
3.) Third eye - to belief on us and to love us.

For Financial stability (income flow)

Need to heal chakras
1.) Root - to remove fear / blockage and to gain stability 2.) Solar - for development of skill to earn money and to increase the vibrational level to spread and create financial flow.
3.) Heart - to get emotionally balance so get you won't think from heart and get fool. And you love your job or field work.
4.) Throat - for improving communication skill with customers.
3.) Third eye - to bring focus, stable mind and boost your belief.

For releasing the fear and heavy / low negative vibration from body and aura

Take a sea salt, rock salt or Himalayan salt in your dominate hand.
Scrub it for 14 days on
1.) Root chakra - for removing all black blocks and pluck out all negative vibrations through salt by rotating anti clock wise.
Then move it same on
2.) Solar chakra - for removing all soul issues anxiety, entity or any spirit connection so to break the cord same way use the salt to scrub out your negativity and break the cord from solar.
3.) Heart chakra - same way use to rotate salt anti clock wise and remove all your emotional blocks and break down all unwanted attachments.
4.) Third eye - same way use to cleans like before you did for other chakras, from third think all the negative thoughts patterns get release and get dissolve in this salt.
5.) Crown chakra - think what ever the karmic issues or negative problem are their in crown everything get dissolve in this salt and this salt has clean and charge the whole crown chakra.

After that again you go to each chakra take salt and move it in clockwise and just start flow of reiki and heal and shield your chakra with positive affirmation of vibration.

How Universal Laws Works on Karmas?

How Universal Laws Works on Karmas?

We have to balance all our karma according to universal laws. 

Universal always by some or other way balance the karma what we have done with others.

1% we receive in good way or bad way according to the karma what we have done.

10% we have to balance from what we have earned in various ways such as salary/ gift / free services / knowledge/ blessing etc.

100% we receive what we manifest in good or bad way from universe.

As per above rules of universe, we are connected with 3 main lords always i.e. Earth, Fire, Air.

Now these three lords keep watch and eye on us: for every work what we do and how we behave. 

So now final applicable of Universal laws in our life as follows:
1% x 3 lords = 3% in karma we receive (+ve / -ve)

10% x 3 lords = 30% in terms of balancing with nature to reduce our –ve karmas what we have done in past knowingly or un-knowingly

100% x 3 lords = 300% we receive the fruits accordingly how we live and behave in our life as per what we manifest.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Power of  Your Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious mind is not as mysterious or as inaccessible as you might think… do you know that same old running dialog you keep going over and over in your head? What are you thinking about when you wake up in the morning? What are the things you keep telling yourself? What are the thoughts you find disturbing, or annoying, and push away, and try to ignore? The thoughts that form the constant “background noise” in your head? These are the thoughts that you might need to address and change, in your subconscious mind.

I am going to outline a very simple project that will help you get in touch with what is really going on in your head, and hopefully make the changes that you desire in your life.

All you will need is a small pocket size day book calendar, or a simple small notebook. Draw a line down the center of each page, to create two columns.

This is very simple- Every day, you will-

#1- Keep track of what you are thinking about that is NOT helpful towards your goals. You will probably need to create a sort of short hand or abbreviated notation of what you are thinking about- guaranteed, it will more than fill a page, so try and create a symbol for different types of thoughts, like a heart for relationships, dollar sign for money, the letter F for family, the letter W for work, etc, etc. These are the thoughts that say, I’m not good enough, I don’t have enough, I’m not doing enough, blaming others for your problems, dwelling on and worrying about things you can’t change, etc. You know what I am talking about! Remember, you are to “fill your leisure hours, contemplating your vision”. How can you do this, when you are filling your leisure hours (or minutes, or days and weeks) contemplating your stupid, low paying job, your mean boss, your disadvantaged childhood, the aggravation your family causes you, etc, etc. You will be AMAZED at how many little symbols you mark down, one after another! But this will lessen, the more you listen to the self hypnosis program, and are mindful of your thoughts.

#2- In a separate column, keep track of every positive thought you give towards your goals, to “contemplating your vision”, and give yourself a symbolic $10.There is nothing that motivates like a little green stuff! This will get your mind used to the idea that positive thoughts will create positive results. And you can create a symbol for the positive thoughts you seem to nurture the most; this will point you in the direction of your "next step", the goals and desires that have the strongest pull forward along your path.

#3- Give the negative thoughts a value of $1, and subtract them from the positive thoughts. Keep track of this "ledger style" like an accountant. By the time you are "making a profit" from your positive thoughts, you will definitely be well on your way to success!

Kalpesh Dave is a Sound Energy Practitioner, and a qualified Vibrational Reiki Master professional. I am helping people to help themselves, and a lifetime's worth of in depth psychological, spiritual and Quantum knowledge. I thank the web for giving me the unique opportunity to use my gifts to work at home; doing something that benefits both myself and others!

Saturday, October 26, 2024

कपूर मंत्र का अर्थ ओर फ़ायदे ।

कर्पूरगौरं मंत्र......

*जानिए आरती के बाद क्यों बोलते हैं कर्पूरगौरं मंत्र :*
किसी भी मंदिर में या हमारे घर में जब भी पूजन कर्म होते हैं तो वहां कुछ मंत्रों का जप अनिवार्य रूप से किया जाता है, सभी देवी-देवताओं के मंत्र अलग-अलग हैं, लेकिन जब भी आरती पूर्ण होती है तो यह मंत्र विशेष रूप से बोला जाता है l

*कर्पूरगौरं मंत्र :*
*कर्पूरगौरं करुणावतारं संसारसारं भुजगेन्द्रहारम्। सदा बसन्तं हृदयारबिन्दे भबं भवानीसहितं नमामि।।*
*ये है इस मंत्र का अर्थ :*
*इस मंत्र से शिवजी की स्तुति की जाती है। इसका अर्थ इस प्रकार है :*
*कर्पूरगौरं-* कर्पूर के समान गौर वर्ण वाले।
*करुणावतारं-* करुणा के जो साक्षात् अवतार हैं।
*संसारसारं-* समस्त सृष्टि के जो सार हैं।
*भुजगेंद्रहारम्-* इस शब्द का अर्थ है जो सांप को हार के रूप में धारण करते हैं।
*सदा वसतं हृदयाविन्दे भवंभावनी सहितं नमामि-* इसका अर्थ है कि जो शिव, पार्वती के साथ सदैव मेरे हृदय में निवास करते हैं, उनको मेरा नमन है।

*मंत्र का पूरा अर्थ :-*
जो कर्पूर जैसे गौर वर्ण वाले हैं, करुणा के अवतार हैं, संसार के सार हैं और भुजंगों का हार धारण करते हैं, वे भगवान शिव माता भवानी सहित मेरे ह्रदय में सदैव निवास करें और उन्हें मेरा नमन है।

*यही मंत्र क्यों….*
किसी भी देवी-देवता की आरती के बाद कर्पूरगौरम् करुणावतारं….मंत्र ही क्यों बोला जाता है, इसके पीछे बहुत गहरे अर्थ छिपे हुए हैं। भगवान शिव की ये स्तुति शिव-पार्वती विवाह के समय विष्णु द्वारा गाई हुई मानी गई है। अमूमन ये माना जाता है कि शिव शमशान वासी हैं, उनका स्वरुप बहुत भयंकर और अघोरी वाला है। लेकिन, ये स्तुति बताती है कि उनका स्वरुप बहुत दिव्य है। शिव को सृष्टि का अधिपति माना गया है, वे मृत्युलोक के देवता हैं, उन्हें पशुपतिनाथ भी कहा जाता है, पशुपति का अर्थ है संसार के जितने भी जीव हैं (मनुष्य सहित) उन सब का अधिपति। ये स्तुति इसी कारण से गाई जाती है कि जो इस समस्त संसार का अधिपति है, वो हमारे मन में वास करे। शिव श्मशान वासी हैं, जो मृत्यु के भय को दूर करते हैं। हमारे मन में शिव वास करें, मृत्यु का भय दूर हो।

Energy Balancing Affirmations

Energy Balancing Affirmations

Purpose: The below affirmations are good all round energy balancing statements that relate to specific chakras. The purposes of saying sentences are very powerful, remember everything is energy/ vibration and used in the correct manner to release emotions/ tensions etc within your own body.

For example if you say something negative about someone for 5 minutes and then stop – how do you feel now? It’s probably changed your whole physiology and feelings but conversely say something positive/ simply praise someone for 5 minutes and then stop – how you feel now. See my point. 

The key to really getting these powerful affirmations (or any come to that) is getting initially into a relaxed state (the “Alpha” state), this is where powerful transformation starts.

Here is the exercise:
• Do all these steps slowly
• Stand or Sit but in a comfortable position.
• If standing leave your eyes open otherwise close your eyes and concentrate on your breath nicely, deeply and slowly breathing.


I trust my Higher Self fulfill all my needs. My life is full of prosperity.


I accept and acknowledge my sexuality. My physical health is strong and pure.

In a smooth and healthy way, I release all unresolved emotions. I claim my personal power.

I freely and easily give and receive love. Totally forgive others and myself for all past errors and judgments.


I easily and gracefully express my deepest feelings and emotions.

My inner vision is clear and strong. I trust my intuition and inner vision.

* CROWN CHAKRAI accept and acknowledge my spirituality.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Attunement's to align with the frequencies of the 9 avatars of Goddess Druga

Attunement's to align with the frequencies of the 9 avatars of Goddess Druga

9 Days ~ 9 Devi Maa ~ 9 Distance group Attunements event online on zoom 

Here's a Description summary:
Attugnements to align with the frequencies of the 9 avatars of Goddess Durga

Event: 9 Days ~ 9 Devi Maa ~ 9 Attunements
Dates: October 3rd to October 11th, 2024
Timing: 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Energy Exchange: Rs.3,000/-
Conduct online in group on zoom
*it will be group attunement (no individual Attunement will be done) 
Facilitator: Kalpesh Dave (Teacher/Healer and Practitioner of various Occult Sciences & Therapies)

Join the group:

Avatars and Colors:

1. Goddess Shailputri (Day 1) - Orange
2. Goddess Brahma charini (Day 2) - White
3. Chandra ghanta (Day 3) - Red
4. Goddess Kushmanda (Day 4) - Royal Blue
5. Goddess Skandmata (Day 5) - Yellow
6. Goddess Katyayani (Day 6) - Green
7. Goddess Kaalratri (Day 7) - Grey
8. Goddess Mahagauri (Day 8) - Purple
9. Goddess Siddhidatri (Day 9) - Peacock Green

This event offers a unique spiritual experience, exploring the diverse aspects of Goddess Durga. Participants can expect:

•⁠  ⁠Deeper connection with the divine feminine
•⁠  ⁠Balance and harmony in life
•⁠  ⁠Spiritual growth and self-awareness
•⁠  ⁠Protection and guidance from Goddess Durga's energies

Kalpesh Dave
Call :- 9819279752